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Saturday, January 01, 2005

In Northern Ireland? Want To Help?

--- From a blogger----

I have been searching for a way to hep the people of the Asia Pacific Region and 2 nights ago I recieved an e-mail in reply to the one that I had sent. It was from a man called Varuni Jayamaha from Sri Lanka his website being www.theacademic.org. He suggested ways in which I could help and I will now be there contact here in Northern Ireland. Although I will need help in organising and collecting items throughout Northern and Ireland, transportation, money donations and any other help or suggestions on setting and carrying this project out will be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me at stephanie_tsunamirelief@hotmail.co.uk

Friday, December 31, 2004

Other Volunteer Registration Sites

Aid India hosts a web page for tsunami volunteer regsitration.

AID India has hosted a web page for volunteers where they can provide their contact and experience details.

If you are a interested volunteer please register at:

We Need Volunteers - An Appeal By Tamilnadu Tsunami Relief Initiative

- We need volunteers for on the spot assessment of the affected
villages for rehabilitation efforts, we need volunteers to coordinate these
assessment, document the same
- Need volunteers to do counselling with the victims, be available and
talk to them, women volunteers are most welcome
- Need volunteers to coordinate and assist on-field activities at
thiruvarur and sirgazhi
- Also volunteers for sorting out materials, packaging and labelling

them at Gandhi Study Centre and also KFI-the school.

Tamilnadu Tsunami Relief Initiative
Call Ram or Rama at (land line) +91-44-25550781 or mobile
09382160811 (Ram) or 9384550781 (Rama).
Samanvaya:Knowledge Services for the Development Sector -

Appeal from Voluntary Health Association, Kanyakumari

-- Below is an Appeal from VHA, Kanyakumari
Source : Charity Focus

Dear Friend,

Greetings to you

This is from Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari, VHAK, an NGO working among children, adolescents, women, youth and grownups in Kanyakumari district since 1994. Since then, it has formed and strengthened more than 7,000 neighbourhood parliaments among these groups.

The tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 has devastated many coastal villages in Kanyakumari district. The villages Collachel, Kottilpadu, Manakudy, Alikal, Pillaithope, Muttom and Kanyakumari are the most affected villages in this district. The entire village of Kottilpadu, Pillaithope and Alikal have been washed out. The people themselves are involved in removing the dead bodies and helping the people find out their loved ones both alive and dead. In Muttom Parish almost 365 houses were washed out, 42 bodies recovered, 20 more missing and a loss of 12 crores. In Colachel, Kottilpadu village the death toll is still rising. There is very less involvement from the Government be it in removing the debris or recovering the bodies from the rubble.

The children’s parliaments that functioned in the coastal villages have either lost their precious members or the members have lost their parents and become orphans. Almost 70 % of the dead were children.

The district administration is not well-equipped and trained to cope with this sort of calamities. As a result, they are in a state of stalemate whereupon they do not know what to do. It is the NGOs who are working hard to do some relief activities among the affected people. VHAK is one among them.

At present, on a short term basis, the staff and the volunteers of VHAK, numbering more than 500 would like to involve in undertaking emergency relief measures like medical help, supply food and clothing and temporary shelters.

We would like to obtain your cooperation in this respect in the form of financial assistance. Please let us know your response at the earliest time possible.

Please visit our website to confirm.

The amount could be sent to:

Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari (VHAK),

28, Kesari Street,
Nagercoil - 629 001
Kanyakumari dist., Tamilnadu

Bank details:
Account No: 397
Indian Overseas Bank
Vetturnimadam – 1043
Nagercoil – 629 003
Kanyakumari dist.,

May we hear from you.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Sr.Mercy Palatty,

Jaycees of Mayiladuthurai (Mayavaram, Tamilnadu) Needs Medicines

Jaycees of Mayiladuthurai (Mayavaram) in Tanjore Dt are involved in Tsunami Relief Work at Poompuhar, Chidambaram and other nearby coastal areas. Refugee Camps are being run in Mayiladuthurai for the displaced victims. There is an urgent need to provide medicines at various camps. Jaycees volunteers will assist in distribution. We welcome assistance from NGOs and Pharama companies. Contact : Mr A S Ravindiran (Mob : 09345061022) or Mr V Raman (Mob : 09443134855). Jaycees can also assist corporates and NGOs to carry out Relief Work in the nearby areas to ensure benefits reach the victims.

Urgent Need For Tents - Srilanka

A village of 30 families living in Kosgoda (District Galle) amounting to 80 people are in dire need of shelter. There is an urgent need of adequate number of tents. A group of young people from Leo Burnett will visit them on the 29th December with all collected material to help them re start their shattered lives.

Please contact Ms Mantri on 0-11 4406163

Source: National Disaster Management Center, Sri Lanka

Thursday, December 30, 2004

AID collection points in India

Here is information about AID collection points in various cities :


1. Please donate materials at your local city collection point. Most of our staff in Chennai are actively involved in relief work. If you are not from Chennai, please contact your local city AID collection office.

Contact Information for AID collection agencies:

BANGALORE Prasanna Saligram (080)3229747, (080)3305156

NEW DELHI Anuj Grover 98182 48459

MUMBAI Arun Kumar 98206 05751

Malini Vittal 98193 52190 CHENNAI

Ravishankar (044) 28350403

Sent via email by Krishnan

Relief Materials for Tamil Nadu

The address to which all consignments of relief material for tsunami victims in Tamil Nadu should be sent to:

Joint Commissioner (Relief) A Chatterjee,
Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation,
Tamil Nadu

Source: Rediff

Donate to Architecture for Humanity


The above link takes you to an organization to which you can donate to help offer relief to the tsunami victims. This link is great because it takes you to a site through which you can pay by Paypal. This is the easiest way I've found to donate thus far. Everyone's heard of Paypal - you can pay by credit card or have the money taken directly from you bank account. Makes it so simple to help out.


Think of the good even one dollar would do. One dollar times thousands of people.....

posted by realfaux

Bangaloreans Help Need - Medicines and Other Relief Material

Relief Material Collection Points in Bangalore

1. St. Joseph's College, Langford Road, Bangalore 560027.
Ph: 22272299, 22211429

2. Environment Support Group ®, S-3, Rajashree Apartments, 18/57, 1stMain Road, S. R. K. Gardens, Jayanagar, Bannerghatta Road,Bangalore-41.
Ph: 26534364, 26531339, 26341977.
Web: www.esgindia.org

3. Servelots, 3354, "Pankaja", KR Road, Bangalore-70.

Ph: 26762963

4. Pedestrian Pictures, Prakruti Mudrana, 52, 29th Cross, 9th Main,Banashankari II Stage, Bangalore - 70.
Ph: 9448371389, 26713894

5. Jaiva, 8, Hospital Road (Bowring), Behind Safina Plaza, Bangalore - 1.

Based on Prioritised list received from Doctors in
Cuddalore and Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. (Source: Shanmuga &
D.V.Prakash, Trustees of Kuvempu Trust; sshanmuga@vsnl.com)

First priority -

Ranidin (stomach pain, vomit)
ORS powder
Tetramycin eyedrops
Norfloxacin (diarrhoea)
Derephyllin Tabs
T.NORINS-TZ for adult (diarrhoea)
NEGAMAT suspension syrup for child (diarrhoea)

Second Priority - List generated by Community Health Cell in Bangalore

Chlorine Tablets (for disinfection of water),
Septran Syrup and Tablets,
Flagyl Syrup and Tabs (Metronidazole),
Paracetamol Syrup and Tabs,
Asthalin Syrup (Salbutomol) + Tabs (Theo Asthalin),
Cough Syrup,
Brufen tablets / Diclofenac,
Doxycyclin Capsules,
Ampicillin Capsules,
Soframycin Ointment,
Nasivion Nose Drops,
Calamine Lotion,
Amoxycyclin 250 mg (Amoxycillin),
anti Histamines (Avil CPM / cetrizine),
Derephyllin Tabs,
Ibuprofen ointment / Diclofenac ointment

Third Priority - List from relief workers in Gujarat Earthquake experience

Cefotaxin (Injection ) 1000/500 mg
Ciprofloxacin 100 mg/200 I. V.
Fortwin/ Pentazocine
Hydrocortison 100 mg / 200 mg
Perinorm Metachlopromite
Norfloxacin 400 mg
Amikacine 500 mg
Metronidazol 400 mg I. V.
Sutures & Needles
Pain Relief - Ibuprofane, Asprin, Dclofenac, Paracetamol
Infection Prevention - Amoxicillin
Dysentry - Diaorehha - Oral Rehydration kits (ORS), Furazolidone, Metronidizole
Anti-Bacterial - Cotrimoxazole
For Asthama - Salbutamol, Aminophylline

Other Medical Aid required

Infant feeding tubes
Dressing trays
Surgical scissors
Bandages, Cotton dressing material
I. V. N/ Saline , 5% Dextrose
Surgical & plastering knife
Injuries Dressing - Cotton, Bandgaes etc.
Sanitary Napkins,
Disposable Gloves (for relief workers)
Face mask (for relief workers)
Bleaching Powder
'phenoil' liquid

General Guidelines for sending medical aid:

Please send only well-packed medicines that have clear labels.
Medicines whose expiry date is clearly marked and within expiry date
will only be used. For fragile medical equipments, please package
properly and also indicate this CLEARLY on the mailing box.

See For More Information Aid India Relief Update

Volunteers Needed Who Can Dial International Numbers!!

LOCATORS ONLINE (www.locators-online.org) urgently needs volunteers who can dial international numbers. If you have access to a phone where you can dial an international number, or have a satellite phone,

please email david@locators-online.org

Urgent Appeal For North East Srilanka - Which Is Not Govt Control

Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance
8000 Dead and 500,000 Displaced in northeast of the Island of Sri Lanka

The Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation is engaged in the task of providing food, medical help, transport, temporary shelters and other urgent humanitarian assistance for the hundreds of thousands of the displaced. However, the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis that we are faced with is such that we need the urgent support of the international community and the generous and immediate support of our Tamil brothers and sisters living in many lands.

Help Auroville To Help Fishermen

Auroville rallies to help Pondicherry fisherfolk

The first wave of the tsunami hit the Pondichery and Tamil Nadu coast at 8 am on December 26. Seven thousand people died on the spot.

By 9.30 am, a team from Auroville, the international township inspired by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, and which is situated near Pondichery, swung into action. A first emergency meeting was called in the house of two Auroville residents and it was immediately decided to set up a camp for the people affected by the tidal waves.


How to contribute to the Auroville Tsunami Fund


BANK TRANSFER via SWIFT following details:

Bank Name: State Bank of India
Branch: Auroville International Branch
Branch Code: 03160
Beneficiary Account Name: AV Fund Foreign
Beneficiary Account Number: 01000060095
Details/other Information: Village Flood Relief OR Auroville Beaches Relief


Under details please specify if you want the funds to go to Village Relief or for Auroville Beaches Relief. You could also give a percentage allocation.


Please make your cheques payable to "Auroville Fund - Foreign" and send to the address below.


Cheque/DD to be made payable to "AUROVILLE FUND". On the reverse of the cheque please write if it is meant for Village Flood Relief OR Auroville Beaches Relief.

DDs payable at Pondicherry.

Please send the cheques to:

Auroville Tsunami Rehabilitation
Opposite Aurelec, Kuilapalayam
Auroville 605 101, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail tsunami@auroville.org.in
Phone: 0413 - 2622184.

Please note that Indian donations are exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

People in UK! - Send Clothes For Tsunami Relief

From a Blog Reader (Radhika)

Those in the UK wanting to donate clothes to the Tsunami-affected can finally contact the International Buddhist Relief Organisation in Birmingham.

Call 0121 382 7108 to speak to them.

Collection center in UK for help required in Sri Lanka

Please see http://www.amidatrust.com/tsunami2.html

TSUNAMI RELIEF APPEAL Amida Trust and the The International Buddhist Relief Organisation are appealing for aid for Sri Lanka. Amida Buddhist Minister Rev. Amrita Dhammika, IBRO projects officer, appeared on BBC TV and radio this morning appealing for Tents Medicines, especially antibiotics, first aid supplies, vitamins, pain contol drugs etc.

Blankets, clothes and financial contributions are also asked for.

Please send material items toBuddhist Vihara, 23 Weycroft Road, Perry Common, Birmingham B23 5AD. Telephone 0121.3827108 or The Buddhist House, 12 Coventry Road, Narborough, Leicestershire LE19 2GR. Telephone 0116.2867476. e-mail: amida@amidatrust.comor45 Byron St., Eccles, Manchester M30 0GS. Telephone: 0161.7079125. e-mail: amrita@amidatrust.com

Financial contributions,please makes cheques payable to:Amida Trust if sending to Narborough address or International Buddhist Relief Organisation if sending to Birmingham address and write “Tsunami Appeal” on the back in either case.

All medical aid will be flown to Sri Lanka by arrangement with the Sri Lankan High Commission. Other supplies will follow by ship. Please help.

Volunteers Needed In India - NOW!!

- Aid India

If you are in Chennai, then we have the following teams set in place
for the immediate relief work:

1. Collection and Information Team: This team will handle calls,
receive donations of money, clothes, medicines, blankets and vessels
and send receipts, give information on the current status of relief

work. This team will also give out press releases, send out email
reports and call for further donations based on the needs.

This is the team that people from outside must contact.

The people to contact are (All in India- mostly in chennai):

Bharati/Manohar/Hari (AID office) 91-44-28350403
Ravishankar (IIT Prof) 91-94440-84910
Chandra Anil 91-9382330752,91-44-28350403
Smitha Kalyani 91-98401-73800
Vibha Ravindran 91-98402-63275

2. Allocation and Distribution: This team will get the needs from
various field locations, sort the materials collected, divide it up
for different locations based on the need and send it to the field
coordinators for distribution.

3. Field Team: In each area we have a team of volunteers who will be
coordinating the relief efforts and distribution of materials.

Please figure out where you fit best, and give us a call. We urgently
need all the volunteers we can get.

If you are not in Chennai, please contact your local city AID office.

Donate From Malaysia Through Maybank Group

Maybank Group today pledged RM1 million to those affected by the recent Tsunami disaster. Of this contribution, a total of RM800,000 will be channelled to the Malaysian National Disaster Management and Relief Committee. The remaining RM200,000 will be donated to the Indonesian government's Tabung Bencana Tsunami Indonesia.

In collaboration with The Star, Maybank is also offering convenient channels for those who wish to contribute to victims of the Tsunami disaster that affected parts of West Malaysia. Maybank customers or members of the public who wish to donate may do so at the counter of any Maybank branch (for cash or cheque) or through Third Party transfer at Maybank ATMs nationwide as well as via Maybank2u.com.

The account numbers for the Star / Maybank Tsunami Relief Fund are 114013169092 and 514011389072 and contributors can donate to the Fund using either of these accounts. The accounts will be opened for a one-month period from December 29, 2004 to January 31, 2005.

A spokesperson of Maybank said that Maybank is deeply saddened by the tragic loss of lives as well as suffering brought about by the Tsunami and hopes that caring Malaysians will come forward to support the Fund.

The Star spokesperson said it also hopes that many Malaysians will support those affected by this tragedy by contributing to the Fund and each RM1 donation will go a long way to help these unfortunate victims.

At the end of the campaign, contributions from those who have donated to the Fund will be channelled to the Tabung Bantuan Bencana Negara managed by the National Disaster Management and Relief Committee.

More information on the Star / Maybank Tsunami Relief Fund is available at www.maybank2u.com.

Source : http://www.maybank2u.com.my/corporate/press_release/291204.shtml

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

In UK? - Help Through Disasters Emergency Committee

The Disasters Emergency Committee of Great Britain co-ordinates the fund-raising of a number of UK charities (Oxfam, World Visions, Save the Children, Merlin, Help the Aged, Concern, Christian Aid, Care, Cafod, British Red Cross and Action Aid) in cases of extreme emergencies, which require more help than any one charity can provide alone.

They are currently co-ordinating fundraising for the Tsunami earthquake.

You can donate on-line, but their webserve is very busy, so you may find it more easy to donate via their phone line: 0870 60 60 900

How to Help From Portugal

A email from a blog reader regarding how to donate from portugal

First of all, congratulations for your great effort.

I would like to share with you the information on how to make contributions to
the SouthEast Asian victims from Portugal:

SOS Crianças da Asia - UNICEF
Banco Caixa Geral de Depositos
NIB: 003501270002824123054

Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
Banco Português de Investimento
NIB: 001000001372227000970

Caritas - Vitimas do Sudeste Asiático
Banco Caixa Geral de Depósitos
NIB: 003506970063091793082


Doctors and Volunteers : India - Help Needed!

Doctors Needed in Tamilnadu

The S.M.Joshi memorial foundation's Arogya Sena is planning to send a team of medical experts and volunteers to Tamil Nadu and other affected places to assist in the relief operations. Those wishing to join the effort may contact Dr Abhijit Vaidya on Pune mobile no.98505 88008 (prefix 0 while dialling from outside Pune).

VOLUNTEERS and Material Needed In Tamil Nadu - AID India

Update (30/12, 7 AM IST)

from the AID-India office in chennai, and jointy co-ordinated with
TNSF, ICA, Pratham,Vidrayambam, PHM and other organizations towards relief and rehab work.

Current need for material:

i) Cooking Provisions - Rice/Dal/Oil/Sugar/Milk powder - packed in packets
if possible.
ii) Soaps/Detergents/Paste and other items, for cuddalore/nagai etc.
iii) Kodams, vessels and other utensils

iv) There's a huge need for Blankets and Mats
v) Medicines - Doxycycline, Cough syrups, ORS packets, Septron
tablets/syrups, Anti-histamines etc.

for adults and children separatley. Please call the AID office at 2835
0403 for the lastest

requirements on medicines (as well as other provisions).

Need for volunteers:

There's still a HUGE need for volunteers here for different teams (see I
above). There's also a similar need of volunteers who can spend a few days
in pondicherry/cuddalore/nagai/kanyakumari. Preferably those who can speak
tamil. Please contact the aid-india office, and

Contact info:

The main AID help line is 044-2835 0403, 044 5561 5629.
Volunteers will be present throughout the day. Please deposit all material
between 10.00 and 6.00 AM when we will have enough volunteers to unload.

Address: 20, Ratheenam St, Gopalaupuram, Chennai-600086

Check AID India for latest requirements, contact
points in other cities in India, as well as abroad. Photos will
also be up at that site.

Balaji - 94440 61033,
Cuddalore: K.P.Narayan 04142-229108, Damu - 94442 41918
Nagai: Jagadish - 98403 79889, Ranganathan - 94440 18590
Pondicherry: 0413- 2290733

We wont be able to respond immediately to email, so please use the phone
numbers provided.


Help Tamilnadu Coastal Villages From Mumbai Through ISHA

Isha Foundation Coimbatore has set up 7 mobile vans in the Nagapattinam and Cuddalore districts distributing medical aid, food, water and blankets to the homeless survivors. You too can donate as a team of volunteers from Mumbai and other parts is rushing to help!

Contact Isha at www.ishafoundation.org

Funds/relief materials may be forwarded in cash or cheques to the following Isha Volunteers at the following addresses. Cheques may be addressed in favor of "Isha Foundation – Disaster Relief fund"

Sujata Narayan 9820336823
B 705 El Dorado, Kashinath Dhuru Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 25

Viji Sundaresan 9322214031
201, Amar Residency, Punjab Wadi, Sion Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai 88

Pankajam Sivakumar 26606745
601, Chuchum Apartments, Saraswati Road, Off Linking Road, Santacruz
W, Mumbai 54

Girija 9324561272
14/12, Vijay Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Close to Marosh Depot, Andheri
E, Mumbai 59

Mrs. Muranjan 22154173
8 Jackson House, MBPT Colony, Dumayane Road, Colaba, Mumbai 5

Dr. Manju 9820309271
D5/ Parmanu Nagar, Sector 4, Vashi, 400703, Near Telegraph Office

Are You in UAE? Do You want to Help?

Thanks Ashraf!

1) Red Cresent Dubai - 04 2614800. Call them, speak with Sahida, Hasan, Ibrahim, Yasser, Munder or anyone there, to ask them how you can donate money, clothes, food etc. If you want to donate food and/or clothes you can leave them at my place and I will get them delivered to their office after every couple of days. However if you want to donate cash/cheque kindly call up the Red Cresent Office directly. To deliver clothes/food to my place.Co-ordinate with Ashraf 050/5535231.

2) MSF - 04 3458177. wwwmsfuae.ae. They are currently only accepting money for this. so you can donate online at the above mentioned site OR send a money transfer the MSF account 6501813090, Union National Bank, Corniche Branch, Abu-Dhabi. Then kindly fax a copy of the bank receipt to 02-6215059 attn: Flora

3) Collection Centers in Dubai

If anyone has any clean clothes, blankets or money to give for the Tsunami survivors in South Asia, please bring your donations to the following venue before 7pm today.

a) Dubai Aid City collection Centre, 2nd florr, Al Attar Business Tower, Kenda House, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai

b) Balaji Shipping is arranging to send containers with relief material to Chennai and Colombo shortly. Please hurry and collect the relief materials and deliver it to:

Ruby Cargo (warehouse), Near Mazrani Marble Ware House, Rashidiya,

Time of collection-------8.00 to 1.00pm----------4.00 to 9.00pm.

5) MSF is accepting Online donations:



Or to UNB- MSF Account number: 6501813090
Southeast Asia Earthquake Appeal

Help From Trinidad and Tobago Through Local Red Cross

Local Red Cross appeals for money
Wednesday, December 29th 2004

The Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society is urgently appealing to the public for money to help the victims of countries affected by the recent earthquake and tsunamis.

All funds collected will be passed to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, to carry out relief and rehabilitation works in each territory.

The account is called the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society Asian Appeal, and can be assessed through any branch of Republic Bank. The account number is 180463484801.

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is hoping to raise 7.6 million swiss francs, but this figure is expected to increase dramatically as teams assess affected areas.

For more information, interested persons can contact the local Red Cross headquarters at 627-8128/ 8215; Judy Boopsingh, Public Relations and Information Director, at 640-6013; and Scott Muiznicks, Disaster Preparedness and Relief Director, at 632-1656; or Indra Girdharie, Administrative Secretary, Headquarters Office, at ttrcs@carib-link.net

Source : Trinidad and Tobago Express

Body Bags Needed In Indonesia

Body Bags needed In Indonesia.
(post by blog reader -julioalonso99@yahoo.com) - [Only Mailid Available.]

Got the following email from a friend in Jakarta:

In Jakarta, Indonesia community efforts are underway to help the
people in the Aceh region. The parents of my children's K-12 school
are part of an emergency relief hub in Jakarta, providing food,
clothing etc for the people in Aceh and Sumatra. Coming from different

walks of life, people joined forces together to help, much faster than
what the government can do by itself.

sms messages and emails continue to flow sharing the progress, as well
as the frustrations, on handling a disaster on a grand scale like

On a national scale, we have problem as distribution of relief to some
of the affected parts are impossible for the moment due to impossible
land conditions.

as of today dec 28 2004 the death toll in South Asia has exceeded
more than 10.000, Aceh and Sumatra alone accounted for 4000+ of this.

I just heard that another quake happened and things can get worse still.

We severely need bodybag in large quantities. As a country with
predominantly muslim adherents, the religious law dictates that the
deceased be bathed, cleansed, clothed, prayed and then buried within
24 hours time after the time of death. Normally the deceased is
wrapped in long white burial cloth.

This will prove as a daunting task in the days ahead. Last 24 hours
I've received so many stories abound from Indonesian companies having
branch offices in the region, they need to bury their employees, yet
to enter their office compound volunteers have to walk through sea of
corpses. Even finding volunteers to carry the dead and prepare the
burial is already an arduous task.

Given the circumstances, to wrap the deceased in the ritual burial
cloth is both difficult and impractical. Problem is Indonesia do not
produce body bags, and we don't even normally use body bags for
non-natural deaths (e.g. accident, homicide etc) . Throughout Jakarta
for instance, it is difficult to find enough bodybag to fly to
Sumatra. So many relief workers from many organisation are now faced
with the fact that we have too much corpse, too little time, and very
few bodybags.

Imagine the backlog of burials in the following days or weeks. Picture
how a simple item like bodybag will help contain possible epidemic due
to the decomposition of corpses.

Similar situation will happen not only in Indonesia,but it will also
happen for other nations that are hit the worst - Sri Lanka, India,
Thailand come into miy mind.

Any international help to provide body bags to help bury the dead will
be highly appreciated - along with other help for the living such as
medication, ready-to-eat food, clothing, medication, etc.

Please info this to your country relief effort for South Asia disaster.

Thank you, God bless.

Volunteers Needed In Singapore In Packing Relief Goods

From tsunami help blog reader -
(Thusara Dharmapala,VP, Singapore Sinhala Association )

Thanks to many of you who have come forth with donations and contributions. Thank you very much for volunteering your time and efforts.

We are still very much in need of collecting financial donations and goods in kind.

For financial donations, please make the cheques out to

“Singapore Sinhala Association” - and send to:

Towner Post Office
P O Box 349
Singapore 913232



We shall consolidate the funds and purchase the necessities at bulk pricing and send to Sri Lanka next week.

As for physical help, we may need volunteers this weekend to pack the goods received into boxes for shipping. This shall be done at the Sri Lankan temple at 30C St Michael’s Road. The time is not yet confirmed, I shall let you know once confirmed.

We are also having a multi-religious (Church and Buddhists) prayer session at the temple where church pastors will be present as well. This is on 30 Dec (tomorrow) nite at 7.30pm at the temple. You can invite well-wishers of both religions to come and participate.

Please get people to visit our website for details and updates: www.singaporesinhala.com/disasterrelief

I shall keep you posted on any further details as they happen. Thanks again.


Thusara Dharmapala


Singapore Sinhala Association

How People In Singapore Can Help?

Information from a tsunami help blog reader - Jinhua (from Singapore)

An update on the tsunami condition which also affects Singapore: 183 Singaporeans are still uncontactable in crisis hit areas as at 5pm on Wednesday 29/12.

AT 5pm on Wednesday, there are still 183 Singaporeans who remain uncontactable , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday. The number of uncontactable Singaporeans on Tuesday was 300.

The MFA and its overseas missions are continuing efforts to locate Singaporeans reported missing or remain uncontactable in the areas affected by the tsunamis.

Two Singaporeans have died in Phuket and one in Sri Lanka.

The SCDF has sent a Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team to Medan and to Phuket. They will assist the local authorities in their search and rescue efforts.

In addition, in Singapore, Buddhist Fellowship's Firefly Mission is arranging a team of volunteers to assist in the education of victims on hygiene, precautions and dispension of aid.Trip likely to be held in first weekend of Jan, to be confirmed.

Banks DBS Singapore and OCBC Singapore also allow their customers to contribute directly to the funds.

Singapore's supermarket chain NTUC FairPrice will be selling ration tickets at $10 from next week at all its stores. For every ration ticket purchased by customers, $13 worth of necessities like biscuits, noodles etc will be contributed for the needy affected by the tsunami.

Telco SingTel will open donation hotlines for members of the public to make donations from 30/12 for limited period. $10 donation : 1900 112 1226, $50: 1900 112 1227; SingTel will wave all admin fees for these 2 numbers.

The Medical Foundation is launching a fund-raising effort to help victims. Proceeds will go towards buying medical supplies + medications for ill and injured, and to stem further disease outbreaks. For donations from overseas: Swift Code: UOVBSGSG; Acct: 101-349-230-7. For donations via cheque pls send to Medical Foundation Limited, 585 North Bridge Road, #11-00, Singapore 188770.

More information are collated at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/killerwaves/

Chennaites - Medicines Needed For Relief - Medicine List Enclosed

Medicine for Children


Medicine for ADULTS


AIDINDIA's new address is

20/34 , Rathinam Street ,
off Avvai Shanmugam road ,
Gopalapuram , Chennai


Bharati/Manohar/Hari (AID office ) - 044-28350403

Ravishankar (IIT Prof) - 94440-84910

Chandra Anil - 9382330752,044-28350403

Smitha Kalyani - 98401-73800

Vibha Ravindran - 98402-63275

Help SriLankan Relief Victims From NewJersey,USA

TsunamiHelp reader Shane Vitarana requests:

For those in the U.S East Coast, please bring the following items to the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara (temple). This is a collection hub for items that will be shipped to Sri Lanka. More information and online donations are available at www.helplanka.org.

New Jersey Buddhist Vihara (Temple)
4299 RT. 27,
Princeton, NJ 08540

Items to bring:

* Bottled Water
* First Aid: Gauze, Anti-septic, Plaster, Bandages, anti-inflammatory, anti-biotics
* Household Items: candles, pots and pans, kettles, plates, cups, napkins, thermos flasks, etc.
* Clothes (summer clothing): Shoes and sandals, Bed sheets and blankets
* Dry foods: Milk powder and feeding bottles, baby food, sugar, cereal, flour, dhal, canned foods, etc.

Bangaloreans - Milk Powder and Medicines Please!! -- Nagapatinam and Cuddalore Wants Your Help

What Bangaloreans Can Do?

This is an update at 840 pm on 29.12.2004.
I just talked to our team at both Nagapattinam and Cuddalore.

a. Clothes: NO CLOTHES. They are saying there are enough clothes. In fact there is a glut. Only if there are relatively new clothes etc., then we could think of sending. In spite of the precautions mentioned, lot of torn clothes have been collected and also not segregated so they are finding it difficult to manage the distribution there.

b. Food is needed. According to the classified list that we have sent earlier. Greater demand is for the milk powder.

c. Utensils are really badly needed. SO WE NEED TO COLLECT THESE AND A TRUCK WOULD BE LEAVING FOR BOTH CUDDALORE AND NAGAPATTINAM before 12 noon. So pls. coordinate with me, Saurabh 93425 43982 and Aradhana ( 98455 37269)

d. Medicines are needed. Lot of people called Priya that they would give the medicines to her but till this update not many people have given the same. We had to buy the medicines and sed it for now. If anybody is thinking of buying medicines pls. get in touch with me I have got a People's Health Movement organisation called as Locost which manufactures generic drugs ethically and are ready to help us out with this.

e. Venkatesh: If you are taking medicines with you, the people who are easily reachable are
Aravind (Cuddalore) : 98458 80660
Nitin( Nagapattinam) : 93437 02092

f. Volunteers: Things are slightly calming down, so they say they are able to get volunteers from the local public themselves for distribution etc., But we have started thinking of middle and long term measures in which there would be a survey done as to the actual needs of the people and then concentrating on holistic development. For this we might need a lot of volunteers who are able to commit some time. We would keep sending out updates on this, so keep watching. Actually for the mentally tough ones if somebody is really wanting to go then there is a need to remove dead bodies. So if some of you are ready for that then pls. get in touch with Nitin before leaving the place.

g. One more great development has been that Fabmall ( thanks to Arundhati and Rajesh) has offered to host the materials collected by us at their various godowns in the city. I would request all of you to pls. keep the collected material (utensils, blankets and food) . Can all of you deliver it to the nearest Fabmall by 12 NOON tomorrow so that a truck can leave by 1 pm.

The following are the addresses of the Fabmalls:
Fabmall Supermarkets
1. # 124, Surya chambers, Airport road, murugesh palya, B'lore - 17. Ph: 25918003
2. # 777 E, 100 ft road, opp. New horizon school, Indiranagar, B'lore - 38. Ph: 51159455
3. Fabmall C/O Bowring institute, # 2, St. Marks road, B'lore - 1. Ph: 51120917
4. Mantri paradise, next to HSBC, Arrekere main road, Bannerghatta road, B'lore - 76. Ph: 51305557/51107674
5. Fabmall, The Forum, Koramangala, Bangalore. Ph:22067650
6. # 183/184, Gandhi bazaar main road, Basavangudi, B'lore - 4. Ph: 51312136
7. # 2, P&T Colony, Gangenahalli, R T Nagar Main road, B'lore - 32. Ph: 51244411
8. # 28, New tippsandra, Opp Durga temple, B'lore - 75. Ph: 51261202
9. # 294, 4th Phase, 7th Block, 100 ft Ring road, Banashankari 3rd stage, B'lore - 76. Ph: 26694788
10. # 15, Service road, Bannerghatta main road, Opp Shoppers stop, B'lore - 76. Ph: 51209393
11. # 35, Mirage Point, S T pet, 80 ft road, Koramangala 4th Block, B'lore. Ph: 25501745
12. Mantri Residency, Near meenakshi Temple, Bannerghatta road, B'lore - 76. Ph: 51213058

The central coordinating persons for Fabmall would be Madan and Rajesh

Madan: 9845287072
Rajesh: 9845203943

Thats it for now.
AID Bangalore / People's Health Movement
Tel: + 91 80 23353459 (R) and + 91 98455 18382(M)

Source: mail from Prasanna (Aid-bangalore)

Expatriate Srilankans and Friends of Srilanka -Help Through Washington

Sri Lanka Emergency Relief for Tidal Wave.
(post from a concerned reader)

SLAGW is a IRS approved tax-exempt organization dedicated to humanitarian, educational and charitable assistance to Sri Lanka. All donations will be ackowledged and tax receipts provided expeditiously.

Please urge all expatriate Sri Lankans and friends of Sri Lanka in the United States to respond generously and quickly to this appeal for donations to alleviate the immediate shock of this great natural disaster to befall the people of Sri Lanka. Their assistance will be channeled in entirety to the affected people through no cost or overhead, as we did in response to the flooding in southern Sri Lanka

in May, 2003. Their help will be vital in getting these people back on their feet and into decent shelter, at least temporarily.

Thank you for your caring response ,
Nihal Goonewardene

Sri Lanka Ass'n of Washington, D.C. and
Sri Lanka Ass'n of Greater Washington, Inc.

Please send tax-deductible donations to " SLAGW" (or Sri Lanka
Association of Greater Washington, Inc.).

Please mail to:
c/o ISTI, Inc.
1820 North Fort Myer Dr.
Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22209

Tel: (703) 807-2080

Chennaites - Help By Dropping In FoodWorld Store Counters

Post by a concerned blog reader (Neo)

Food world stores in Chennai have setup special service counters to accept donations of old clothes and necessary things. You can walk in to any nearest food world to drop your donations. Food World Stores are located at many places in chennai.

Are You In DUBAI? Want to Help? -- Give Blankets and Clothes For Relief

Send clothes or blankets to India and Sri Lanka From Dubai

Balaji Shipping is arranging to send containers with relief material to Chennai and Colombo.

Deliver your contributions to:
Ruby Cargo (warehouse),
Near Mazrani Marble Ware House,
Time: 8.00 to 1.00pm and 4.00 to 9.00pm.

For further information, contact:
Mr. Swamy: 050 5516483.
Mr. Senthil: 050 4503089.

Help Needed In Karaikal - 2 (With recent updates)

The Pondicherry Government has sought a massive financial assistance of over 300 crore rupees to help rehabilitate the Tsunami affected people of Pondicherry and Karaikal. With more bodies being recovered from the sandy beaches and marshy bushes of Karaikal the toll has crossed 500 with Karaikal reporting 406. Mass burial of 300 dead bodies has been held so far and 50 bodies have remained unidentified.

Source : http://www.newsonair.com/Bulletins/0815.html

A set of independent volunteers who are employees of TCS are working in the Karaikal area for the affected victims.

Please contact the Ramkumar to reach out to people at Karaikal.

Ramkumar Sundaram
Mobile Number : 91-9840319030
Ph:- 91+44 5550 3191 (Direct) ;
91+44 5550 3333 (Ext 3191)
Mailto: ramkumar.s@tcs.com

Help Needed in Karaikal (Village Near Pondichery,India)

Over 100 killed in Pondy, Karaikal region
Dec 26, 2004
Over a 100 people were killed in Pondicherry and Karaikal region of the Union Territory following tidal waves sweeping into the fishermen hamlets, Chief Minister N Rangasamy said today.

Talking to reporters at the helipad here before he left for Karaikal, he said while 42 people were killed in Pondicherry region, 60 had died in the Karaikal region. He was yet to get the toll from Yanam region of the Union Territory, which also bore the brunt of the waves.

Besides the victims, hundreds of people were injured and 130 admitted to different hospitals here.

Thousands of huts were washed away by the tidal waves and the destruction was devastating in Karaikal region, he added.

Mr Rangasamy said all the deaths were due to the tidal waves and not due to the impact of the tremor. It was an unexpected calamity and the relief measures were being taken up in full swing, he added.

All the affected were being shifted to safer places and police directed to evacuate all those residing in the coastal areas before this evening as a precautionary measure in the wake of the possibility of recurrence, he said.

The Chief Minister said he had apprised the Prime Minister and Home Minister Shivraj Patil, who was likely to visit Pondicherry tomorrow, about the calamity.

Later, along with Lt Governor M M Lakhera, Education Minister K Lakshminarayanan and Development Commissioner B V Selvaraj, Mr Rangasamy left for the Karaikal region.

Meanwhile, Senior Superintendent of Police Sunil Garg told newspersons that the disaster management cell of the police department was put into service and all police personnel were on duty today. Evacuation of the people from the coastal areas was underway, he said, adding that a control room had also been opened for any emergency.

Source :UNI

How You Can Help From France

From TsunamiHelp reader Mildiou:

List of agencies you can donate / Liste des agences pour faire vos dons :

Action contre la faim : http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org
Adresse : Action contre la faim - 4 rue Niepce - 75662 Paris Cedex 14 - France
Chèques à l’ordre de : Action contre la Faim, 4 rue Niepce – 75014 Paris CCP 28 20 W PARIS
Don en ligne : http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/scripts/communique_dernier2.asp?id=249

Croix Rouge française : http://www.croix-rouge.fr
Adresse : Croix-Rouge Française - Séisme Asie, BP 100 - 75008 Paris
Chèques à l’ordre de : Croix-Rouge Française
Don en ligne : http://www.croix-rouge.fr/goto/aide/don/index.asp?action=Z707

Fondation de France : http://www.fdf.org
Adresse : Fondation de France – Solidarité Asie du Sud - BP 22 - 75008 Paris
Chèques à l'ordre de : Fondation de France
Don en ligne : http://www.dons.fondationdefrance.org/dons/index_don.php

Handicap International : http://www.handicap-international.org
Adresse : Handicap International / raz-de-marée, 69361 Lyon
Chèques à l’ordre de : Handicap International
Don en ligne : http://www.aidez.org/handicapinternational.phtml

Médecins du Monde : http://www.medecinsdumonde.org/
Adresse : Médecins du Monde - 62, rue Marcadet, 75018 Paris
Chèques à l’ordre de : Médecins du Monde
Don en ligne : http://www.medecinsdumonde.org/6dons/dons_donenligne.html

Médecins sans frontières : http://www.msf.fr/
Adresse : Médecins Sans Frontières - 8, rue Saint Sabin 75011 Paris
Chèques à l’ordre de : Médecins sans frontières
Don en ligne : http://www.msf.fr/site/aider.nsf/agir?OpenForm&aff=asie

Secours populaire : http://www.secourspopulaire.asso.fr/
Adresse : Secours populaire français BP 3303, 75123 Paris Cedex 03
Chèques à l’ordre de : Secours populaire
Don en ligne : http://www.secourspopulaire.asso.fr/goto/raz-de-maree.html

Unicef : http://unicef.fr/
Adresse : UNICEF « Urgence Séisme Asie du Sud » BP 600 75006 Paris
Chèques à l’ordre de : Unicef
Don en ligne : http://unicef.fr/index.cfm?id=index_operation.cfm&code_operation=00408

Help Indonesia - II

The Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia) has already sent 210 volunteers to Aceh to help in the evacuation process and to provide medical assistance in affected areas. The organization also will send food, body bags, tarpaulins and medicine to Aceh.

PMI has established a Help Aceh People bank account for donations at Bank BCA Menara Bidakara, SWIFT: CENAIDJA, account name: Kantor Pusat Palang Merah Indonesia, account number: 450.666.000.9.

After donating to this account, please inform PMI -- by telephone +62 (0)21 799-2325 or email pmi@palangmerah.org -- so they can monitor the transfer.

The Jakarta Post has announced the following private-media-sector Aceh Disaster Relief Funds and their banking accounts:

Dompet Dhuafa Republika
128 000 4397 839 Bank Mandiri Ciputat branch
676 030194 7 BCA Ciputat Mega Mall
004 002 990 7 Bank Syariah Mandiri

Dompet Kemanusiaan Media Indonesia
309 300 7979 BCA Kedoya Baru

Kotak Pundi Amal SCTV
084 266 2000 BCA Wisma Asia

Kompas Media Nusantara
012 301 6600 BCA Gajah Mada

Hard Rock Radio
219 301 1144 BCA Radio Dalam

Help Indonesia Now! - Urgent Help Needed

The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami

Aceh in Indonesia, the stretch closest to the quake's epicenter, is possibly the worst affected amongst all and is now reporting over 35,000 dead and thousands more missing.

All the more ironic that the land most devastated, is now the least approachable.

The province of Aceh has been largely inaccessible to the world over the past few years due to a raging civil war and stringent government restrictions on foreigners including aid workers and journalists. However, as the unimaginable scale of the disaster is becoming clear, the mass of red tape is being loosened and humanitarian agencies are being allowed to move in. Making aid doubly difficult is the hostile terrain, which still has massive stretches of coastline buried in mud and water, thus cutting off roads, radio and all kinds of communication.

All aid is thus only through government bodies, relief agencies, NGOs and other corporates. I realize there is little knowledge of who is to be contacted and how donations can be made, so I have listed here some details obtained from local ministries and news agencies.

Readers, please pass this information to friends and family in Indonesia or to other Indonesians living abroad, so aid can reach the victims faster.

1) Government of Indonesia
Bank Account in BI - Bank Indonesia
Account Numbers for various currencies are as follows :

510.000.272 (Indonesian Rupiah)
602.074.411 (United States Dollars)
602.075.111( Japanese Yen)
602.075.991 (Euro)

2) Indonesian Red Cross Society
Bank Account in Lippo Slipi Branch
In the name of : Indonesian Red Cross Society / Palang Merah
Account Number :746-30-05218-4

3)Coordinator of Peoples Welfare; Republic of Indonesia
Bank account in BNI Harmoni
In the name of I Nyoman Meweh, Head of Welfare Bureau
Account Number: 07 000 311 2717 911

4) Indosiar
Bank account in BCA
In the name of: Indosiar
Account Number: 001 - 304 - 0009

Bank account in BCA
In the name of: RCTI
Account Number: 128 - 300 -7000

As with all affected areas, what is urgently needed to aid the living is food, formula milk for babies, fresh water, medicines, clothes, blankets, mosquito repellant and generator sets. Ironically, the dead are demanding too. As soldiers and volunteers collect thousands of rotting corpses for mass burials, they face a desperate shortage of body bags and cemetery tools.

Anyone who would like to provide assistance in kind, please contact any of the following volunteers at the given numbers and your donations will be packed and flown across to Aceh.

Anupama : 62-812-8230287 (Mobile)
Anggie: 62-811-967058 (Mobile)
Mallika: 62-812-1005243 (Mobile)

Also, Wahana Cargo based in Jakarta has volunteered to courier aid for free to Aceh. They will pick up cargo from donors in greater Jakarta and deliver them to Halim Perdanakusumah Airport wherefrom there are scheduled Hercules trips at various times of the day. They can be contacted at the following address:

Wahana Cargo
Jln H Sidik, 88 Rempoa,
South Jakarta.
Tel: 62-812-1131688 and 62-811-856900

It is difficult to make sense of the morbid abstracts which emerge from a tragedy so real -- millions displaced, thousands dead, hundreds missing. Soon these numbers will numb us and even a doubling of these figures wont be anything more than a mere statistic for most of us. The danger we face is in losing touch with the goodness of our hearts, for sympathy is a myopic emotion, not to mention highly treacherous. As severe as it is in the initial thrust, its grip only grows feeble with the passing of time.

Let us yield to our urgent impulses and give without restraint. Let us not allow our solidarity to fade with the shift in headlines.

How You Can Help From MUMBAI, INDIA

Akanksha an NGO based in Mumbai has set up drop locations for people wanting to donate in kind. ( www.akanksha.org )

This is an urgent appeal in the wake of the devastating quake (tsunamiwaves) in parts of south Indiaand neighbouring countries. GOONJ.. hasinitiated a major relief campaign ? 'RAHAT- QUAKE' in this moment ofcrisis and Akanksha is partnering with GOONJ to mobilise help here.We need support in the following areas:

1. Collection Centres: Spaces of over 200 square feet (the larger the better) to store materials. Spaces should have a person who has access to the space and can put things in it when they are donated. Space will be required for up to 2 months from today. Volunteers will come in to sort/pack materials and Goonj will collect the materials and ensure they reach the affected areas 2. Material- clothes, tarpaulin, bed sheets, utensils, dry ration, candles,match box, torch & batteries, water purifier tablets, medicines etc. Materials can be dropped off at any of the centres listed below.
3. Volunteers- for creating awareness, helping us organise collection camps,sorting and packing. Send us an email if you would like to volunteer (shaheen@vsnl.com)
4. Financial support-from institutions and individuals for communication,collection camps, storage, sorting, packing, travel, transportation andlocal distribution expenses. Cheques can be made out in the name of GOONJ and sent to GOONJ or to Akanksha

The drop locations are as follows:

shaheen mistri

Collection Centres:

a. Namita Devidayal
Gyan Ghar
14th rd
Mumbai 52
(leave stuff with watchman anytime)

b. Shaheen Mistri
Om Ratan, 2nd floor
Pochkhanawala Road
Mumbai 400 030
(leave stuff with Sharda/Manisha anytime)

c. Akanksha Foundation
Voltas House C
T.B. Kadam Road
Mumbai 400 033

d. Bala
Flat 6, Vijay Mahal
D Road
opp Wankhede Stadium
Marine Drive
Mumbai 400 020

e. Vinod G Nair
Clea Public Relations
Arch 25/28
Below Mahalaxmi flyover
(Race course side)
off D E Moses Road
Mumbai 34
tel: 24988669

f. Cross word Kemps Corner
Kemps corner: Gr Fl, Mohammed Bhai Mansion, Kemps Corner (below the flyover)
NSP Marg
tel - 23842001-5

g. Crossword Powai
G2 Prudential, Hiranandani Business Park, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai

h. Crossword Malad
Ground Floor, Inorbit Mall, Link Road, Malad (w)

i. Crossword Chembur
Krushal Commercial Centre, at lower level
Shoppers Stop
MG Road
Nr. Shakar Talkies
Amar Mahal
tel 25297627/25296320/25296768

j. Crossword Imax
Imax Adlabs, Ground fl, Bhakti Park, Link Road, Wadala
tel 24036595/24036640

k.. Nikhi Pedhakar
1/18 Kamana Society
S K Bole Road
(near Siddhi Vinayak Temple)
Dadar West
Mumbai 400 028
tel: 24224361
(pl call and come)

l. Paul and Viveka Kumari
31/32 3rd floor
Baktavar (not annex)
Narayan Dabolkar Rd
Malabar Hill
Mumbai 400 006
tel 23610974
(pls bring stuff up, no need to call)

m. K Sriram
10 ideal apts
(inside akal CHS)
JB Nagar
Andheri East
tel: 9821325662
(pl call before coming)

n. Sunil Nayak
E2 Mandar society
Raut Lane
Mumbai 49
(drop off anytime)

o. Mrs. Fitter
Mahindra & Mahindra
Gateway Building (ground floor)
Stephen street
Apollo Bunder
(opp Dhanraj Mahal)
Mumbai 400 039
Tel 22021031(drop during office hours)

Thank you,

Sunil R Nair

Help Needed for Displaced Indian Fishermen

As the deadly tsunami waves cross the South East and West shores of India more than 5,000 people are feared dead and thousands others displaced according to official sources.

According to news reports Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Tamil Nadu are the worst affected. In Tamil Nadu more than 2,400 people are reported dead while 3000 people have been killed in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Some unofficial sources have put the toll here to 10 000.

In Pondicherry, at least a 100 people are dead while 89 casualties have been reported from Andhra Pradesh. The toll in Kerala has touched 128.

Villages have been swept away leaving hundreds and thousands of people homeless.
Poor fishing communities are the worst affected. Those who escaped with their lives
have been left destitute by the lashing floods, which carried off their meagre
possessions. "As the waters retreated, bodies were left strewn across beaches,
among smashed boats, tangled nets and the remains of fishermen's shacks.
Among the dead was a group of 40 children who were playing cricket on the
beach when a giant wave swept them out to sea," reported The Telegraph.

Relief and rescue efforts are yet to reach many far-flunged areas of
Andaman & Nicobar.

Moreover the Meteorological office in Thiruvananthapuram has warned that fresh
tsunamis may develop and there is possibility of high tides in coastal areas of
Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

In this context Centre for Education and Communication (CEC), Jagori,
Other Media and Delhi Forum are calling a meeting on December 28,
2004 at 2.30 pm at Gandhi Peace Foundation, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
New Delhi. The meeting will discuss how could we provide support from Delhi.
Meanwhile the affected organization working in the affected costal areas
have requested relief.

The demand is for the following things:
A) Clothes
B) Common medicines and water purifying tablets
C) Baby food
D) Dry Food

The contact points in the affected areas through whom the relief could be distributed are:

M. Subbu
Tamil Maanila Kattida Thozilalar Sangham (TMKTS)
1, Cross ST (F.F.) Kilpauk Garden,
Ph: 91-44-26478386
Email: msubbu_cwbc@vsnl.net

T. Peter
National Fishworkers Forum
Velankanny Junction, Valiathura
Vallakadavu P.O.
Trivandrum - 695008
Ph: 91-471-2501376/2505216
Email: nff@vsnl.com

Jesurathinam, SNEHA, Nagapattinam
Tel: 91-4365-222907, 240622

Looking forward to your positive response.

Thanking you

Pallavi Mansingh
Programme Officer

Source : Aid India

Help Needed From Residents of Bangalore

The Bangalore Relief Drive

St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science will be the main contact point for collection of material and donations. A bank account in the name of "Citizens Initiative" is available for collecting all
donations and routing them through credible channels to the affected communities.

In a major drive to mobilise relief material and resources, the Citizens Initiative will organise a Relief Collection March on Thursday, 30 December 2004, from Mahatma Gandhi Statue on M. G. Road, starting 3.30 pm. This March will wind its way through many commercial areas to raise awareness to GIVE GENEROUSLY AND APPROPRIATELY.

Additionally, there will be a major GIVE GENEROUSLY AND APPROPRIATELY Canvassing Points set up by Volunteers in many parts of the city. By way of this Release, we request more volunteers to join these campaigns. A briefing meeting will be held for volunteers at St. Joseph's College on Wednesday, 29 December at 5.30 pm.

A series of collection points for material and donations are also set up, the details of which are given below.

Material Required:

1. Blankets - a few thousands
2. Medicines - list below
3. Clothes (especially childrens clothes -- 0-5 age group and 5-12 age group) are an immediate necessity.
4. Gloves & masks to help volunteers clear the debris & dead bodies.
5. Money - to buy essentials, water pots (which will be bought closer to the areas)
6. Water purification tablets
7. Baby foods and dry foods
8. Tarpaulins, sheets, and material for temporary shelter

With respect to clothing, please ensure that clothes are not torn, and are clean. They could be donated in neat wrappings, clearly describing whether it is for Boys, Girls, Men or Women and describing the age group as: Less than 1; 1-3; 4-7; 8-10; 10-15; 15-18. SAREES AND LUNGIS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED.

Food material which is ready to consume and have a long shelf life, such as biscuits, are also needed. Dal, rice, and grains are also needed. Grains should be ground into flour. Also required are tea, sugar, salt, oil etc. PLEASE PACK ALL FOOD WITH NEAT LABELS IN ENGLISH (Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam if additionally possible).

An advisory on the list of medicines and medical supplies is also being developed and will be available shortly. Pharmaceutical companies and hospitals are requested to donate such material generously.


Chlorine Tablets (for disinfection of water), Septran Syrup and
Tablets, Flagyl Syrup and Tabs (Metronidazole), Paracetamol Syrup and
Tabs, Asthalin Syrup (Salbutomol) + Tabs (Theo Asthalin), Mebendazole,
Cough Syrup, Brufen tablets / Diclofenac, Metronidazole, Sanitary
Napkins, Doxycyclin Capsules, Ampicillin Capsules, Soframycin
Ointment, Nasivion Nose Drops, ORS, Calamine Lotion, Amoxycyclin 250
mg (Amoxycillin), anti Histamines (Avil CPM / cetrizine), Derephyllin
Tabs, Ibuprofen ointment / Diclofenac ointment

Collection Points:

The following material and donation collection points are set up:

St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science, Langford Road, Bangalore 560027
Tel: 22272299/22211429

Environment Support Group ®, S-3, Rajashree Apartments, 18/57, 1st
Main Road, S. R. K. Gardens, Jayanagar, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore
560041. Telefax: 26534364/26531339/26341977
Email: esg@esgindia.org or esg@bgl.vsnl.net.in
Web: www.esgindia.org

Servelots, 3354, "Pankaja", KR Road, Bangalore, 560070 Email:
tsunami@servelots.com - Tel: 2676-2963

Pedestrian Pictures, Prakruti Mudrana, 52, 29th cross, 9th main,
Banashankari II stage, Bangalore 560 070. ph: 94483 71389, 26713894

Jaiva, 8, Hospital Road (Bowring), Behind Safina Plaza, Bangalore 560001.

Website to coordinate relief information:
A website to coordinate relief information has been set up at:

Fr. Ambrose Pinto, Principal, St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science, Bangalore
Donna Fernandes, Vimochana
Leo F. Saldanha, Coordinator, Environment Support Group
Srimathi Prasad

Source : Aid India

Help Needed In Srilanka in Kind and Cash

Tamil Rehabilation Organization (TRO) in Sri Lanka has appealed for aid help urgently for providing food, medical help, transport, temporary shelters and other urgent humanitarian assistance for the hundreds of thousands of the displaced people in Sri Lanka. The following are their immediate needs:

Food (includes milk powder, precooked food) for 80 000 familes, 3 times/day, meals for two weeks.

Non food items (includes kitchen utensils, 100 000 mats)
Clothing (special concern for women and children)
Drugs (paracetamol, antibiotics, dressings, suture material, disposable syringes)
water purification tablets (500 000) and water containers (5 lit. capacity)
Temporary shelters (25,000 tents for a family of 4 and 50 medical tents)
portable generators (50)
They have a PayPal link right there on their website where you can donate to this cause.

Their Phone Numbers:

00 94 112 693254 (Colombo)
00 94 21 228 3947 (killinochi)

Source: TamilNet


Lanka Academic Network also accepts online donation here.

They have an excellent webpage where all the Lanka efforts are consolidated.

If you are having difficulty reaching your loved ones in Sri Lanka due to congested telephone lines, send an email to Udara Soysa (udarasri 'at' sltnet.lk) in Sri Lanka with a message and the phone number of your loved one. He will then call and relay the message.

Source: LacNet







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Nagore Village Ignored - Immediate Help Needed

Neglect By Authorities
Wednesday, December 29, 2004 (Nagore village, Nagappatinam)

Even as senior political leaders continue to visit the tsunami-affected areas, villages just a few kilometers from their itineraries are being totally ignored by government officials.

In such villages, which are off the maps of VIP visits, there is a danger of breakout of diseases.Angry voices greet visitors at Nagore, a village 10 km from the coastal town of Nagappatinam. T

his area is among the worst-affected by Sunday's earthquake-induced sea waves - the death toll in the area has been put at 2,300.

"For three days no one bothered to come here. Not even the collector or any government officials. How can we manage on our own?" said a resident of the area.

Death and destruction

Walking into the village, one encounters the sight of women crying out in despair amid the unbearable stench of death and destruction.Everywhere there are signs of the same devastation.

Villagers carried away a box with the body of a one-year-old baby – in a disfigured and decayed state.Three days after the disaster, Nagore is still strewn with bodies that are waiting to be picked up. Armed with masks, the local people are trying to separate the dead bodies that are mingled with the dead fish on the shore.

Just few metres away, children were scraping a coconut – their meal of the day.

Trying times

And while there is water everywhere, there is hardly a drop to drink. A man was seen washing his hands in a pond that had a dead animal in it. "There is no water in the village. Some volunteers brought us water but even they have run out of supplies," said a woman. Away from the villages, many have sought shelter in the local dargah.

Places like Nagore are in desperate need of help.The survivors of Sunday's tsunamis, who are now crowded into community shelters, need not just food, water and medicines.They also need volunteers to assist them in going back to their villages to clear the deadly debris that are lying unattended. And could cause a potential epidemic.

Supriya Sharma
Source : NDTV

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Help Needed From Chennai Localites.

Here's more information on what the locals in Chennai, India can do to help the relief efforts:

The Indian Red Cross Society has invited contributions in cash and kind for tsunami-affected families. Please contact 28554548/4425/4117/ 28586997.

People wanting to volunteer/ donate blankets, clothes, medicines, contact Community Development Centre, Madras Medical Mission, J.J. Nagar 26565920, extension 2032.

Exnora Clothes Bank is collecting new and used clothes for the affected people. Contact 28153377/ 24759477.

Clothes, medicines and cheques may be handed over to the Jesuit Residence, Loyola College.

Dr. Dathu Rao Memorial Charitable Trust is offering shelter around 30 to 40 children orphaned or abandoned after the calamity. Contact 24928366.

Mata Amritanandamayi Math is collecting rice, clothes, medicine and money. Contact 23764063/582, 22425736, 55175186.

To help affected persons in and around Neelangarai, contact Priya on 25506284.

The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development is collecting medicines, blankets, saris and vessels. Contact 9444183776/ 28218191/ 26428838/24941277.

Doctors offering free medical treatment: Dr. G. S. Kailaash, Srinivas Poly Clinic and Lab, 203, Kutcheri Road, Mylapore. Phone 52064051; Dr. K. R. Muthuswamy, Second Trust Main Road, Mandavelipakkam, Phone: 24951736; for free treatment of children: Dr. Chithra Kailaash (Phone 52064051); free medicare: M.K. Nursing Home, 25, R.S.M. Road, Old Washermenpet; Sugam Hospital, Tiruvottriyur; Venkateswara Hospital, 121 A, Chamiers Road, Nandanam, 52125212;

To report details on missing children contact Childline 1098 or Don Bosco Anbu Illam, 25352101/ 94440 31098.

The Indian Council for Child Welfare, Tamil Nadu, has set up a children's disaster relief fund, especially for those who have lost a parent, to meet their immediate needs and ensure there is no disruption in education. Contact 26260097/26282833.

Planet Yumm, Arun Ice Cream and Sangeetha Relief Centre are collecting blankets, clothes and utensils for victims at Thiruvarur. Contributions may be dropped in at their city outlets.

Employees of the Power Grid Corporation of India are supporting relief measures of the authorities. R. P. Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, announced a contribution of Rs. 45 lakhs to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund and said the local units in States were arranging distribution of food and clothes.

Blankets needed

Krishnammal Jagannathan, secretary of the Land For Tillers Freedom, a voluntary organisation based in Nagapattinam district, said more blankets were required for the victims in the district and appealed to the people to send them either to the LAFTI, Vinoba Ashram, Kuthur - 611 105, Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu. Phone: 04366-275443 and 275540. E-mail: laftitngsm@yahoo.co.in) or Udhavum Ullangal, Memorial School Campus, 2 Guild Street, T.Nagar, Chennai 600017. Mobile: 94441-97473).

Source: The Hindu