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Friday, December 31, 2004

We Need Volunteers - An Appeal By Tamilnadu Tsunami Relief Initiative

- We need volunteers for on the spot assessment of the affected
villages for rehabilitation efforts, we need volunteers to coordinate these
assessment, document the same
- Need volunteers to do counselling with the victims, be available and
talk to them, women volunteers are most welcome
- Need volunteers to coordinate and assist on-field activities at
thiruvarur and sirgazhi
- Also volunteers for sorting out materials, packaging and labelling

them at Gandhi Study Centre and also KFI-the school.

Tamilnadu Tsunami Relief Initiative
Call Ram or Rama at (land line) +91-44-25550781 or mobile
09382160811 (Ram) or 9384550781 (Rama).
Samanvaya:Knowledge Services for the Development Sector -
84 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Stephanie and I live in Northern Ireland. I am willing to help out in whatever way I can, whether it is building shelters, distrubting or sorting aid etc. I am sure many volunteers are needed in the countries affected in many ways and I am willing to help out in whatever way that I can. Please contact me at stephanie__paul@hotmail.com

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is John and I am a registered nurse. I have 6 years of emergency and ICU nursing. I live in Wisconsin, USA and can fly out at any time and will pay my own way. Please contact me at jjmarshall@mac.com or 920-954-2547.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Marie and I am a RN at one of the GM plants in Michigan. I am willing to help in any relief efforts in Asia. I was a volunteer disaster nurse for 7 years with the American Red Cross. I can be reached at catscove@sbcglobal.net.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Marie and I am a RN at one of the GM plants in Michigan. I am willing to help in any relief efforts in Asia. I was a volunteer disaster nurse for 7 years with the American Red Cross. I can be reached at catscove@sbcglobal.net.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

hi there
I have been glued to the Tv and internet over the last couple of days watching a catalogue of footage showing the affects of the davastating Asian earthquake and Tusunami,and I feel I cant just sit watching anymore I really would like to help. I have donated and though I realise this is fully appreciated I would like to do more and im willing to fly over.
My name is Naziha Arebi, I am 20years of age and currently studying for a degree at the university of Greenwhich, England. I have good people skills, I am well organised and I am willing to do any task proposed to me. I really feel an urge to be there and want to do anything to help, and I know I could be of use. Please get back to me,
Waiting in Anticipation,Yours

Naziha Arebi
contact: zezi84@hotmail.com

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi my name is Dan Westland and am a Emergency nurse based near London UK. I am willing to volunteer my time and skills to help those in the effected areas, please contact me with details on how I can help, or with details of an organisation that can assist me.

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

URGENT-Ready for Volunteering-From Tamilnadu

Kindly Note

This is Samuel Harris representing a team of 5 people. We all are MBA students and good team workers. We are ready to give our contribution in the Tsunami relief operations. But we don’t have the financial power to start a relief operation on our own.

The best that we can do is to join a team that is already in operation or coordinate a team to do some operation. WE HAVE DONE OUR BEST TO RENDER OUR HELP.

We are even ready to coordinate a team. Kindly contact us anytime.

E-mail: tsunami_harris@yahoo.com
Samuel Harris: 098954 68788,0484 2555293
Prasanth: 093888 18031

Whatever has to be done should be done immediately. Seeking your response

2:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

hi sakreha,
you say you require :

"We need volunteers for on the spot assessment of the affectedvillages for rehabilitation efforts, we need volunteers to coordinate theseassessment, document the same"

I'm a soil scientist with expertise in land and sanitation. I furthermore have a trade with skills in mechanical engineering. As I'm currently in India (New Delhi) having fortunately crossed over and up from Pondicherry 8 day before the disaster I write to see if my skills are useful. I can be contacted by email mj_mcewen@hotmail.com and you can gain further details of my skills from my web site www.phasm.co.uk. If I can be of use please advise as I am in the vacinity and am available. with regards malcolm mcewen

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi. My name is Rachel and I'm 16 years old. I would love to help in any way I can and I'm quite happy to fly out there if need be. I can be available for a week. Please let me know as soon as possible if there's anything I can do. My email address is rachellipasta@yahoo.co.uk.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello. I would also like to volunteer in anyway. I am a male, 41 Canadian, physically fit. Can pay my own airfare. Part of me wants to just show up, but don't want to be a hinderance, or a casualty myself! If someone can assist me in whom to contact, or any other information, please send email at omnisoul@hotmail.com

Thank you

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

looking for volunteers to set up fund to build shelter for orphans in Sri
Lanka, I am doing a Rollingstones Tribute here in NYC names Gimme Shelter,
I was the lead role in critcally acclaimed musical "Stones-mania", I will
travel to the region in 2 weeks time with a toolbelt to start hands on
work. I have been to India and my heart is so heavy, I am originally from Ireland and have been involved in many benifits but this is overwhelming!!!!
I need as much help as possible, send me an e-mail with your offers, anyone who is planning to travel there on their own steam and want to join in my efford is welcome
Kevin Lynch
212 691 1049
646 831 3556

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a 22 year old recent graduate from Baylor University in Texas. I saw your need for female volunteers to help counsel victims of this horrible tragedy. I have no training in counseling but love people and am willing to help in any way i can. I will be honest and say that my finances are extremely limited, and i have no idea how i can get from here to there, but my heart hurts for these people. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.


3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi there, I am a 31 yr old American musician/healing arts instructor. I also have experience in carpentry and house framing. I am willing to travel and to help people that were harmed by the tsunami in any way.Please get a hold of me if I can physically come to help in any way. sufi86001@yahoo.com

Charlie Williams Jr

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am 47 UK female with over 24 years experience with children and young people ranging from teaching pre school and reception through to running youth groups. I am first aid qualified and available to help in any practical way I can for a period of between 6 and 8 weeks in the first inst.

Please contact me


5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I would love to volunteer in person in any affected area in any way I can, whether its handing out food, consoling the bereaved, or assisting in a rebuilding project.

My funds are limited right now, but I've got time on my hands and I'm in pretty good physical shape.

If ANYONE out there knows of a way for me to volunteer w/out having to pay all of the expenses to get there, please let me know at


9:29 PM  
Blogger martha said :

I am visiting my mother in Trivandrum, and we are both interested in helping out over this next weekend (Jan 8 and 9). We'd be interested in helping out in any way, and are willing to travel to get to where we are needed. If there would a place in Tamil Nadu nearby (closer than Chennai) for us to work, that would be ideal. Sorting out materials, packing and labelling are things we would be good at doing, but any sort of work would be fine. Please let me know at mhoffma1@swarthmore.edu as soon as possible. Thank you, Martha Hoffman

2:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a Structural Engineer with experience in earthquake related damage assesment. I am also educated as a civil engineer with knowledge of water and waste water systems as well as civil infrastructure, roads bridges etc. My wife is a Physician Assistant with extensive training in medicine. If we can be of any assistance, we would like to offer our help.

Arthur Fellows
Grass Valley, California, USA

3:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Robert Smith and I am currently in Aberdeen, Scotland doing some Ph.D. research. I am an ordained minister with background in insurance, basic building, organization and administration, counseling, and other various skills. I would like to travel to India or any other area affecteed by this disaser to help out in any way I can be best utilized. You may contact me at revrob57@hotmail.com. Thank you.

6:53 AM  
Blogger LiLmIzHoTtYsMuRf said :

hie there.. my name is Lina, and i would love to volunteer..in any section.. i used to be in the red cross society and waiting for my results now, so i haf a gap till march and haf nothing to do at the moment..
please contact me at Leekuza_narz87@hotmail.com.. thank u

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I'm trained on handling medical exigencies, and a Life Sciences Graduate, with some knowledge of medicines and the internet.
I'd like to help in any way I can.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Available immediately for up to three months. CEO of homelessness charity in UK - used to working with trauma, distress, death, displaced people. Excellent organisational skills/people (incl. volunteer) management. Willing to do absolutely ANYTHING - manual, organsiational, administrative. Tough and resilient - knowledge of Asia/culture/people.

Can pay airfare/all required vaccinations done!

Contact: Mieke: tel. 01767 681908 email mieke.vrijhof@arsenalfc.net

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Alix Day, and I live in Massachusetts, USA. I have time in January and February, and would very much like to volunteer to help in whatever way possible. I have experience with bringing up children; languages (French, Italian, some Spanish, some Russian, some German); horticulture; and am handy with basic building skills. I am comfortable driving most vehicles and can sleep anywhere and eat anything. I can probably pay my flight.
Any info on volunteer opportunities would be most welcome, thank you.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Sorry: Alix Day can be reached at alixuday@hotmail.com

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


I am a 23 yr old recent graduate in Urban Studies and Planning from UC San Diego. I have an unlimited amount of time to devote towards helping tsumani victims and rebuilding. I have some experience in housing and community development and would like to be on the ground involved with rebuilding. Please let me know who i can contact to get involved. joshgertsen@hotmail.com

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Carrie and I am also interested in helping in any way I can. I am 27 year olds, and currently a graduate student. I am willing to volunteer now, or at a later date for 6 months to a year. I have experience working with children, as well as some training in emergency medicine. I am willing to do anything needed.

Please contact me at


5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am writing this letter in an effort to offer my services as either an employee or a volunteer in your aid effort in south Asia. I am available for a 3 month posting, initially, perhaps more.
In fact, I had made the decision to seek employment with a humanitarian organization before Christmas of this year, and had been looking into three different possible career paths, (water, sanitation, and logistics) in my plan to acquire skills that would be in demand for workers in the field.
I still intend on following a course of study to gain skills useful in that endeavor.
I can see that right now, all the organizations that I have an interest in working with are all likely overextended due to the sheer size of this Asian disaster. It seems to me, that it would be appropriate to offer my services to your organization during this time of need. Unfortunately, most of my previous training does not lend itself particularly well to meeting the needs of your organization (in the fieldwork aspect, at any rate). My skills include computer maintenance and repair; I had previously qualified as a Microsoft professional in TCP/IP, a network protocol. I also have training as a commercial diver, and so am familiar with some industrial and rescue operations. Through that training, I was also certified in first aid (Red Cross), And CPR (HeartSaver). I also became very acquainted with hyperbaric first aid, and in dealing with various barotrauma. I have been known for having a cool head under extreme pressure, and operated well under those conditions.
I also have skills in sales, due to my personable nature and I have previously spoken (with a terrible English accent) Quebecois French, and have always found it easy to pick up the rudiments of other languages that I have been exposed to. I will provide to any agency interested, a copy of my resume.
Right now, I am mostly employed as a construction sub-contractor, and can easily and quickly clear my schedule.
I am forty years old, and single, with three children, who live with me about half the time. Family responsibilities are not an issue, as they are happy to stay with their mother, who lives just about two miles from me. (so long as I can make arrangements to see them with some regularity (every 3-6 months), we would be satisfied). I will happily donate 3-6 months of time to this effort. All I would require is shelter (although I have my own tent and camping equipment, and could use them) and food. I am not sure, but if necessary, I can contribute about $850.00CAN to my airfare, but unfortunately, cant go much beyond that, as I have other debts that I would have to settle before leaving on a long term volunteer assignment I am physically healthy, and recently passed an aviation medical examination for Transport Canada (August, 2003). Also worth mentioning is that I do have a drivers license (B.C., Canada, #6580551), and can drive manual transmission equipped vehicles.
I would be most pleased if any organization were to require my assistance, in ANY capacity, whilst dealing with this most terrible event.
I look forward to discussing my skills and enthusiasm for any positions you have available.
Thank You
Kevin LD Duff
250 247 7492

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Looking to help Tsnami affected areas by volunteering up to 1 month. could leave Jan 16th, 2005 and willing to travel to any country affected. Resourceful in building shelter and/or coordinating efforts. Although it probably doesn't help much in this situation, can speak Spanish and communicate in Italian in addition to first language being English. Would be travelling from Hawaii to affected area. Could raise funds to travel probably but any help appreciated. College educated, 26 years old, very physically fit, and experienced in hands on type of work as well as project coordination/leadership roles. Also strong in crisis. Anyone needing volunteer efforts please email andrewhuey@hotmail.com with information.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I dont know if I would be of use to you? I am 50, a trained Counsellor, and child care worker and would be prepared to raise money and fly out to the region at short notice..... please contact thewoodssg2@hotmail.com

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Brian and I live in the United States. I would like to volunteer myself in anyway possible to those who need it most. Please contact me bskwiers@yahoo.com.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I want to find out how I can help- I'm an RN with trauma, Pediatric and Adult ICU experience experience.
Even if gathering and sending out supllies would help.
God Bless.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Nithya .I have no medical experience but would like to help the effected people ,I do not want to be a hindrance in your work but would like to do something to help.pls mail me at nithyanr@hotmail.com

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Karen and I can help for up to 6 months with anything. Email me at krbrunton@hotmail.com. I am in california at 650-701-1210.

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Shelley, I am a registered nurse in the US. I am willing to go where I may be needed in order to help. I could pay my own way there. My contact info is nurse-ratched@charter.net, or 304-210-2173

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Loretta and I am available to volunteer right away as well. I am physically fit, 36, female, college graduate, with major in psychology. Please let me know if I can help out. I can be contacted at ellemmmmm@yahoo.com.

Thank you.

2:58 AM  
Blogger sridhar said :

Hi, I'm interested in helping this relief initiative. I have experience in performing assessments, coordinating volunteers and executing on-field activities. Am energetic and can help in any way I can. Please contact me at sridharnagarajan@yahoo.com or 001-4087615004. I am available rightaway for 2-3 weeks.

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I'm look to be of assistance. To help in anyway possible. My name is Tamara, I'm a 22 years old canadian. I may not have degrees but my willingness to help and heart drive me. My funds are not full right now but I will do everything in my power to help and get myself there. Just want to be part when I get there and know whre my efforts wil b placed or needed.
Please with any information, please contact me at lashleytj@yahoo.ca or 1-613-253-7089
Kind and loving regards

4:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Looking to help over seas. Ready and willing. 22 year old canadian female, looking to povide any assistance. please contact me at lashleytj@yahoo.ca

4:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

heather - I aim to be in Chennai by the end of the week .. how can i help. I am a teacher, photographer and very practical. please let me know how i can be of use and if there is anything i could bring with me. heather.tait@virgin.net

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am Wellington. I live in Mettur Dam, Tamil nadu.
Plz contact me skwkks@yahoo.com.
I am ready to help for them.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said :

My name is Jennifer and I live in Western Australia. I am willing to help out in whatever way I can, whether it is building shelters, distrubting or sorting aid etc. I have a background in Human services and working with refugees. I am sure many volunteers are needed in the countries affected in many ways and I am willing to help out in whatever way that I can. Please contact me at jennifercoton@optusnet.com.au

9:28 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said :

My name is Jennifer and I live in Western Australia. I am willing to help out in whatever way I can, whether it is building shelters, distrubting or sorting aid etc. I have a background in Human services and working with refugees. I am sure many volunteers are needed in the countries affected in many ways and I am willing to help out in whatever way that I can. Please contact me at jennifercoton@optusnet.com.au

9:28 AM  
Blogger Laurie said :

my name is Laurie Iaccino. i am a registered nurse available to help. i have previous experience in medical volunteer work. I will help in any way needed, can come at anytime and will stay as long as necessary. pls contact me at laurieiaccino@hotmail.com

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am 27 currently in the UK. I am willing to fly out to the affected area to help in anyway. I am an administrator here and would be willing to work in offices collating data or to provide a hands on approach i.e. clearing rubble/ helping to rebuild homes or packing/distributing aid. I can provide my own airfare and living expenses for 3 months. I am finding it difficult to find aid organisations wo are willing to take immediate voulenteers. I am able to leave the UK 15th January onwards. If you need my help please contact me bvixster@yahoo.co.uk

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am interested in volunteering directly--I want to help in ways besides sending donation. I live in the U.S.A. Please send me information as to what I may be able to do. ganau_bhd@yahoo.com. Thank you

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a 16 year old Student living in England and I am willing to help out in any way I can. I am willing to fly out in July, but in the mean time anything I can do to help here will be no problem. Please contact me at chrisgibson89@fsmail.net if I can help in any way at all.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Two American college students available immediatly for any physical assistance needed in any of the affected disaster areas for 3+ months. Healthy and willing to work hard. Possible assistance in travel maybe necessary. Please e-mail at Jshetter@mix.wvu.edu as soon as possible or call 703-507-6649.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am from the U.S. and only speak english but I have experience working with disaster relief with the Red Cross in Florida this year. I would love to volunteer. Please contact me!

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My husband and I are both physicians in Providence, RI. He is a pathologist/neuropathology fellow. I am a plastic surgery resident. We are both also able to provide primary care and first aid. We are not limited to helping with just medical issues. We both speak English and a small amount of Spanish. I can speak some Korean. Please email jenbri@cox.net. We are available the first week of Feb 2005.

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


My name is Rowena Yates and I'm 26. I am a doctor from the UK partway through my paediatric training. I am currently in Mangalore, India so can easily get to Tamil Nadu and am very keen to help out in any way I can (medical or not). I have Advanced Paediatric Life Support training and have spent 3 months gaining experience in a hospital in Mnagalore.
Please contact me at rowenayates@doctors.org.uk if i can help.

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Christopher Steele. I am 21 years old and willing to help in the countries hit by the tsunami. I have experience in volunteer work, I served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I know Romanian fluently. I am young and willing to do grunt work, and I have a lot of experience in administrative and leadership positions. Please I really want to help, call me at any time day or night, or write me an email. Thank you for allowing me to help in these counntries.
(435) 753-1685 Home
(435) 764-7782 Cell

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am pharmacist in Idaho-unable to travel to disaster area BUT my sister is one dynamite RN-30+ years of experience-kids gone-organizational whiz-I could pay airfare. Please contact her at zooboss@msn.com. She would make a difference and I will support her.
She has extensive pediatric ICU experience=definately an outstanding crisis manager.
Robin in Boise, Idaho.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Robin in Boise-
In my zeal- I forgot-
Sister's name is Hollie Bamford of Lusby, Maryland. Contact her via zooboss@msn.com. She is RN with 30+yrs of experience in ICU, pediatric and geriatric care. Has worked at John Hopkins, Childrens' Hospital(Seattle). Military wife-has traveled extensively. Excellent crisis manager. I will pay for travel.

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am an RN in the area of Recovery room and same day surgery. I have acquired a ticket to India for departure on 1/8 and will be traveling with another RN. We need to connect with an existing medical relief agency ASAP. Please contact me at kladuke@msn.com.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Sam Stephens and I am a US citizen. I am completing my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and I would be happy to offer my skills in this area for counseling. However, I am willing to offer whatever physical labor or help that is needed to assist in recovery efforts. I believe that I could make myself available for at least one month. I would be happy to provide my own transportation. My heart aches for all those affected. Please know there is love and support for you all over the world. Contact me at forensicpsydx@bellsouth.net

4:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

hi i am siddharth s. and studying clinical psychology. have worked with rehab centers. would be intrested in helping. call me on 91 20 25650244 or siddharth118@yahoo.com

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Tim. I am an Australian currently on holidays. I am very interested in providign some help in teh next couple of weeks. I have recently completed a couple of counselling qalifications adn would love to be able to assist in this area in whatever country is most affected. Please get back to me regarding this.

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

URGENT my name is christopher goodwin im 16 in january and in am willing to go over to asia to help in any way i can i have my parents consent please contact me on 01450370300 or 07876060063 thank you

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi I am a psychiatric nurse from the UK and I am visiting Kottayam, Kerala from 13 Feb to carry out some training (1 week). Staying on until 4 March and both myself and my daughter would like to be able to help out in some way. Could you contact me at c.j.baker1@bradford.ac.uk to let me know if there is anywhere near to us that we can volunteer our services (prepared to do absolutely anything)or if there is anything that we can bring with us that will be of help.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

my name is ryan smith and i am willing to help in any way that i may be asked to. i am 26, physically fit, and am very knowlegable in eastern philosophy so i can help put things into perspective for the suffering.
i can be reached at 714 914 3129 (u.s.a.) or ryinryang@hotmail.com

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Delicia Southmayd and I have a BA in psychology. I have experience working with youth and all ages of children as well as women. I want desperately to help out in this horribly sad situation and I am available immediately. Please contact me at d.southmayd@netzero.net an let me know more about your project. Thank you so much and bless you for your work.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Young, healthy, worked in Bosnia in the 90's. willing to help in any way.
Irena Knezevic
Windsor, Ontario

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello, Tina from Sealy, TX I too have the need to help out the fine people of Asia during this global event. I have a BS in Health Care Administration, 3 years exp. as a Physical Therayp rehab. exercise assistant, 3 years exp. as a psych tech in a hospital setting and 3+ yrs exp. as a skilled nursing facility administrator. I am able to purchase my own ticket to where ever I am needed. God Bless The World!!!

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello, Tina from Sealy, TX I too have the need to help out the fine people of Asia during this global event. I have a BS in Health Care Administration, 3 years exp. as a Physical Therayp rehab. exercise assistant, 3 years exp. as a psych tech in a hospital setting and 3+ yrs exp. as a skilled nursing facility administrator. I am able to purchase my own ticket to where ever I am needed. God Bless The World!!!
Contact me at thendryx2004@yahoo.com

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello, i am willing and available for up to 6 months to help in any way possible, please contact me at funkyktuk@yahoo.co.uk

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi, my name is Erin Abrams and I am a student at Harvard Law School in Boston. Before law school, I worked for Save the Children for several years on women's and childrens rights, humanitarian emergencies and poverty reduction initiatives in India and Nepal. I would like to come to a tsunami affected country from Jan.21-Feb.1 on my vacation and assist in any way possible. I have legal, international human rights, and program organization skills, as well as experience working with refugees and internally displaced persons in conflict regions. please email me at eabrams@law.harvard.edu. Thanks.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Available to volunteer: Just tell me when and where and I will be there to help. college Educated, available for aprox. 1 month, very experienced in leadership roles, trained and experienced in NGOs. Please contact me soon,
Veronica Maier

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi my name is Molly and I am a 20 year old student in the United States who is very interested in traveling aboad to help the tsunami relief effort. If you can offer me any information about how to go about the process of volunteering I would greatly appreciate it. My email address is tsarevna84@aol.com
Thank you

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi,I am a 19 year old male from Western Australia. The Tsunami situation saddens me, and I would love the opportunity to help in any way possible. My funds are somewhat limited at the moment, although I understand that this is the least of my problems reflecting on the experiences of these people. I would be very interested to receive further information. Feel free to e-mail me at Heimdallr@white-star.com

10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello, my name is Larissa Powers and I am a 22 year old American woman with a degree in Geology. I have months of free time available right now and I am determined to help in any way I can. Please e-mail me at larissa_n_powers@yahoo.com any information you can offer me. Thank you!

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Gemma I am 19 years old and live in London, England. I want to help the relief teams in Asia and I'm willing to help in anyway I can. I am available to fly out for 3weeks to offer support to those in need. I have already donated a small financial contribution but know my contributions can be much furthered. I feel I should be doing more to help and offer as much support as is needed.

I am contactable at gemmapreston@gtclaw.co.uk

My compassion goes out to all those effected in this devastating disaster. x

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am 32 year old and would like to help the agency in the relief work in TAMILNADU alongwith my friends. I can also collect certain essentials through my contacts. I have defence background which I feel would come handy in the work. I can also arrange for workers to help in reconstruction etc. My mobile no 09448579137.

M Jeyakumar, Bangalore

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Catherine and I would like to volunteer to help in any way I can. I am 26, have 2 years leadership training (and qualification) with the TA, professional diving skills, first aid and life-saving and extensive experience of working in remote areas with minimal resources. I am prepared to fly out immediately and stay indefinitely. I also have a long history of administrative, organisational and logistical experience. Please contact me on: sedname@hotmail.com. Thank you and good luck.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi my name is Jo Egerton I am a 32 year old registered nurse currently in New Zealand. I have worked in various areas ranging from E.R, ICU, Remote area nursing and cruise ship nursing. I have travelled through indonesia and thailand in the past. I am willing to assist and would like to hear from anyone that can give me the name of an agency. I am happy to pay for my own air fare. I am currently between contracts and could begin immediately and work for an extended period. My e-mail address is our_chick@hotmail.com

3:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

i´m a student of philosophy with out funds to help but with time and will. i realy would like to help to rebuilding the houses, hospitals, schools. i like to now how can i get there with out pay all of the expenses because i´m in portugal. please contact me francislost@hotmail.com

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi my name is Molly and I am a 20 year old university student from America. I am very intrested in traveling to South East Asia to help in any way I can.
My e-mail address is tsarevna84@aol.com

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Daniel Brady.Iam from Ireland and I really want to help in the countries affected by the tsunami in any way at all.Pleas contact me as I am desperate to get out there to help.

Contact me at: dirkbenedict@hotmail.com

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a teacher of English as a Second language. I am available March 1, 2005. I have experience in working with emotionly disturibed children. I have no responsibilities or commitments for the next year. I do not have children or a spouse. I am willing to do anything asked of me.

I have been living in Mexico for one and a half years. I understand what it is like living and working in developing nations. Ann Marie chachanlr@aol.com

4:47 AM  
Blogger Jeb Butler said :

NAME: James E. Butler III (Jeb)
EMAIL: jeb_butler@hotmail.com
PHONE: 706 332 3881 (USA)

I've got some free months upcoming, and I can think of no finer way to spend them than helping folks in the wake of the worst natural disaster any of us are likely to live through. I should be free through the last half of February and most of March and I want to spent that time in afflicted areas. My qualifications follow:

I am a certified Wilderness First Responder (WFR), which means I am trained to deal with basic medical problems in the a "wilderness context." The wilderness context is defined as being two or more hours away from definitive medical care, a condition I suspect applies to many tsunami-affected areas. I am certified my Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA). WFR certification includes training in Basic Life Support (BLS), including Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

While I have not traveled to this region, I have spent some time in developing countries. I have traveled to Tanzania twice, most recently spending 65 days there with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).

I will have a passport by then – mine just expired, but I’m in the process of getting a new one – and I believe I’ll be able to cover my airfare.

As I write I have no knowledge of Tamil. However, if contacted soon, I will arrive on the ground with a solid base of knowledge since I will have ample time to study. The good Lord may have given me a receding hairline at the early age of 22, but he compensated by installing a quick-moving brain underneath.

I am willing to chop vegetables, dig through wreckage, move debris, serve soup, write press releases or sing kum-bay-ya, whatever is needed. Just tell me.

Please contact me when you can. I would be happy to answer any questions. Have a wonderful day. I hope you find tons of good recruits, and I hope to hear from you soon.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Iam a 32 years old woman who lives in New York. I speak french, english and chinese fluently. I'd like to volunteer in any way I cant. I can pay for the traveling. Please contact me at aube-c@caramail.com

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My boyfriend and I are interested in finding out where volunteers are needed to help the tsunami victims. I currently teach young children who are blind while Anotonio is working in the communications and satellite industry. We are happy to help in any area that is needed. We are capapble of paying our own airfare to get anywhere in the world. Please contact us at antonio_piraino@yahoo.com, ashleybastholm@yahoo.com, or 646-623-9187

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello, I am interested in helping in any way. email me at campsurf01@yahoo.com. Thank you.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

- horoscope-belier - horoscope-cancer - horoscope-capricorne - horoscope-chinois - horoscope-du-jour - horoscope-gemeau - horoscope-gratuit - horoscope-lion - horoscope-poisson - horoscope-sagittaire - horoscope-scorpion - horoscope-taureau - horoscope-verseau - horoscope-vierge - icq - i-love-messenger - image-telecharger - imesh - instrument-de-musique - jeu-a-telecharger - jeu-a-telecharger-gratuit - jeu-a-telecharger-gratuitement - jeu-a-telecharger-sur-pc - jeu-d-avion-a-telecharger - jeu-de-billard-a-telecharger - jeu-de-carte-a-telecharger - jeu-d-echec-a-telecharger - jeu-de-tarot - jeu-de-voiture - jeu-flash-a-telecharger - jeu-gratiut-a-telecharger - jeu-gratuis-a-telecharger - jeu-gratuit-a-telecharger - jeu-pc-a-telecharger - jeu-pc-a-telecharger-gratuit - jeu-pc-a-telecharger-gratuitement - jeu-pc-gratuit-a-telecharger - jeu-pc-telecharger-gratuitement - jeu-pokemon-a-telecharger - jeu-pour-enfant-a-telecharger

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is James. I am 28 and have between one and three months free from now (Jan). I am interested in volunteering in some way perhaps in Thailand or where ever I can be of help. I am interested in doing any work, just to feel I am being of some help.

Please contact me at tickatee@hotmail.com

2:04 PM