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Friday, January 01, 1999

Help Needed: Other Countries 12/28-01/02

7 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Looking to help Tsnami affected areas by volunteering up to 1 month. could leave Jan 16th, 2005 and willing to travel to any country affected. Resourceful in building shelter and/or coordinating efforts. Although it probably doesn't help much in this situation, can speak Spanish and communicate in Italian in addition to first language being English. Would be travelling from Hawaii to affected area. Could raise funds to travel probably but any help appreciated. College educated, 26 years old, physically fit, and experienced in hands on type of work as well as project coordination/leadership roles. Also strong in crisis. Anyone needing volunteer efforts please email

Andrew Huey

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

(How to help from Spain.
Source: - Press. - El Mundo:

Lista de organizaciones en España para Ayuda a las víctimas del Tsunami:

Cruz Roja: teléfono: 902 22 22 92
SCH: 0049-0001-53-2110022225
BBVA: 0182-5906-86-0010022227
Caja Madrid: 2038-1500-71-6000002275
La Caixa: 2100-0600-85-0201960066
Banco Popular: 0075-0001-89-0600222267

Intermón Oxfam: teléfono: 902 33 03 31

Médicos Sin Fronteras: teléfono: 902 25 09 02

Médicos del Mundo: teléfono: 902 286 286
La Caixa: 2100 4466 99 0200020000
SCH: 0049 0001 59 2810010006 (ref. Asia)

Cáritas: teléfono: 902 33 99 99

Save the Children: teléfono: 902 01 32 24
SCH: 0049 0001 52 2410019194
Caja Madrid: 2038 1004 71 6800009930
La Caixa: 2100 1727 12 0200032834
BBVA: 0182 5906 88 0010020207

MPDL (Movimiento por la Paz): teléfono: 91 429 76 44
BBVA: 0182 5906 83 0010003334
Caja Madrid: 2038 1005 10 6000754525

Acción contra el Hambre: teléfono: 902 10 08 22
SCH: 0049 0001 59 2810090000

Manos Unidas: teléfono: 902 40 07 07
SCH: 0049 1892 63 2210525246

Fundación Vicente Ferrer: teléfono: 902 22 29 29
La Caixa: 2100-3331-96-2200096273
Banco Popular: 0075-0283-22-0600311966

Bomberos unidos sin fronteras: teléfono: 91 46 71 216
Caja Madrid: 2038-0603-28-6006434259

Entreculturas: teléfono: 902 444 844
SCH: 0049-0496-81-2410194617
BBVA: 0182-5906-82-0201510322

Ayuda en Acción: teléfono: 902 402 404
La Caixa: 2100-2262-13-0200206814
Caja Madrid: 2038-1052-40-6000724418
SCH: 0049-0001-50-2610020001
BBVA: 0182-5906-83-0201507377
CECA: 2000-0002-24-9100530704
Banco Popular: 0075-0001-84-0606696673

Unicef: teléfono: 902 255 505
La Caixa: 2100-5731-70-0200005001
Caja Madrid: 2038-1098-06-6000777776
SCH: 0049-0001-59-2810100005
BBVA: 0182-5906-81-0010033337
BANESTO: 0030-1550-33-0000281271

World Vision: teléfono: 902 20 80 10
BBVA: 0182-7384-97-0201523706
SCH: 0049-5927-96-2795042708
La Caixa : 2100-2811-02-0200087958
Caja Madrid: 2038-1893-74-3000315792

Fundación Intervida: teléfono: 902 19 19 19
BBVA: 0182-7305-50-0201600004
Caja Madrid: 2038-9804-09-6000193624

Farmamundi: teléfono: 902 01 17 17
La Caixa: 2100-4362-72-0200023076
Caja Castilla La Mancha: 2105-1910-29-0142000420
Caixanova: 2080-0226-66-0040000277

SCH: 0049-2675-10-1110864490
La Caixa: 2100-2130-58-02001141321

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Also interested in joining in re-development in South East Asia. If possible please could you post your email address on this site and I will get back to you. Would like to go out to help ASAP.
Many thanks,


Security Consultant/Current British Forces/HGV 1 Driver etc

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

15 yrs logistics management experience inc 4 military. able to pay own expenses contact me if you need my help

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Two American college students available immediatly for any physical assistance needed in any of the affected disaster areas for 3+ months. Healthy and willing to work hard. Possible assistance in travel maybe necessary. Please e-mail at Jshetter@mix.wvu.edu as soon as possible or call 703-507-6649.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am willing to go wherever needed but cannot come until February 17th and stay until February 26. If you can tell me a country which will be needing assistance, that would be great so I can book a flight (from Seattle, WA). I am in good physical condition and am a mother so could help with families or children. Also have business background or could help doing minor construction projects. Please e-mail Debi @ onecougfan@hotmail.com.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello. My name is Krystle. I am from Canada and I would desperately like to help in any way that I can. I am a registered emergency medical technician (one level below a paramedic) and I also work as a nurses assistant in the emergency room of a hospital. I have minimal experience in a funeral home, as well. Please reply to me at meek18@hotmail.com if I can be of any assistance whatsoever. Thank you!

2:33 AM