How to help from New Zealand
The Global Volunteer Network has launched an appeal to help those who have been devastated by the tsunami.
Your donation will be used:
• To donate blankets and clothes to those who lost everything (it is currently the cold season).
• To adopt a misfortunate family in the worst hit area, and build them a new house (the cost for a house is around US $1000) so they have a roof above their head again.
• In support for the World Vision Relief Fund - the New Zealand government has promised to match every dollar that is donated. These funds will be used to support rescue teams, food parcels and emergency shelter.
100% of received funds go directly to the relief effort. Please note that WorldPay takes a 4.5% commission for credit card purchases before GVN receives the funds. Donations made to GVN are not tax deductible.
Or alternatively you can post a donation to:
Global Volunteer Network
PO Box 2231
New Zealand
PS. We have has a number of requests for opportunities to go and help in South East Asia. We have been informed that it is better TO send funds at this stage, but we are investigating the need for a rebuilding team to go in February.
The Global Volunteer Network has launched an appeal to help those who have been devastated by the tsunami.
Your donation will be used:
• To donate blankets and clothes to those who lost everything (it is currently the cold season).
• To adopt a misfortunate family in the worst hit area, and build them a new house (the cost for a house is around US $1000) so they have a roof above their head again.
• In support for the World Vision Relief Fund - the New Zealand government has promised to match every dollar that is donated. These funds will be used to support rescue teams, food parcels and emergency shelter.
100% of received funds go directly to the relief effort. Please note that WorldPay takes a 4.5% commission for credit card purchases before GVN receives the funds. Donations made to GVN are not tax deductible.
Or alternatively you can post a donation to:
Global Volunteer Network
PO Box 2231
New Zealand
PS. We have has a number of requests for opportunities to go and help in South East Asia. We have been informed that it is better TO send funds at this stage, but we are investigating the need for a rebuilding team to go in February.
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