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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Volunteers in Singapore

Calling all Volunteers in Singapore:

Call 24-hour hotline 6416-6655 to volunteer your services. You will be matched to the various organisations according to their needs.
10 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Krystle and I would desperately like to contribute in any way that I can. I have medical background on the ambulance and in emergency at the hospital. Please email me at meek18@hotmail.com if I can be of any assistance to your program.
Thank you!

2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Visit this site for ways to help or to find people who would like to help from around the world.


11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Can you please provide us with more information on your organization and what type of work you would require? We are traveling to Singapore on the first of February and would love to offer our help for the next 2-3 weeks.
You can contact me at uifimage@hotmail.com


1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi there,

My name is Sean Lee, I am 24 years old and a current Mechanical Engineering student from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore. I am willing to put my education on hold till further notice and make my way down to Thailand to help victims from the tsunami.

I have previously served 2 years in the Singapore Armed Forces and had completed my service. Also, I have engineering backgrounds which may be useful in certain aspects like building shelters or otherwise.

Please kindly send me details of the volunteering services which I can qualify for to my email at seanlee_yk@yahoo.com.sg as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements with my polytechic with regards to my leave from school.

I look forward to hear from you.

Sean Lee

1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am 19 years or age and welling to help if i can. My work back ground is framing houses, window work, glass work, any type of handyman work. If you know any body that needs help, please contact me.

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Dear Sir,
I am an ex army logistician specialised in transportation and general logistics. Although I have been out of the service & the above areas of specialisation for a number of years now, as I am in private business now, I have been touched by the scale of human misery that has occurred. Should you know of any organisation that is in need of my abilities please contact me on subwaywhitfords@share.net.au and I will make immediate arrangements to put my personal matters in order and respond to the call.



11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings of Peace from Pakistan!

With reference to Asian Tsunamis Disaster, I would like to offer my services at this hour of grief for our brotherly country, Sri Lanka with your esteemed organization.

Please be informed that I am Pakistani Christian aged 33 holding Bachelor degree with English Literature, Journalism and English Language as major subjects along with Development sector experience of more than 8 years with specialization in Emergency Relief & Rehabilitation. Following is the detail of my international trainings and experiences:

International Trainings / Experiences:

1. Two Months “Community Development Course” at Asian Social Institute, Manila, Philippines, April – June 2001.
2. “Earthquake Disaster Management – Preparation of Manuals” training at Bangkok, Thailand from 23rd August to 27th August 2001.
3. “SPHERE Humanitarian Charter and Using Sphere in Project Cycle” Training at Lahore University of Management Sciences by Caritas Internationals from April 10 – 12, 2002.
4. “Emergency Preparedness on Floods and Floods & Cyclones for South Asians” training at Bangkok, Thailand from 10th June to 12th June 2002.
5. “Emergency Preparedness Training on Drought for South and Southeast Asians” at Bangkok, Thailand from 18th August to 20th August 2002.
6. “SPHERE Standards for Humanitarian Relief Training” at O’Spring Estate, Murree Hills, by Church World Services, Pakistan/Afghanistan from 27th April to 1st May 2004.


Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Relief & Rehabilitation Program for US War Affected Afghan Refugees in Southern Punjab” supported by Caritas Pakistan, National Secretariat.
Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Preventive Health Care Program for the marginalized women of the remote areas of Southern Punjab” supported by Manos Unidas, SPAIN.
Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Self & Civil Defense Training for the vulnerable communities of Southern Punjab” supported by Catholic Relief Services, Pakistan Program, Islamabad.
Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Capacity Building of 10 Housing Cooperative Societies in Multan Diocese” supported by Asian Partnership for Human Development, Thailand through NSCP.
Ø Responded to a number of natural & man made disasters in Southern Punjab.

I shall be very grateful to you, if you could send me detailed information regarding the entire process, so that I would serve for suffering humanity of Asia Tsunami Disaster through your esteemed organization. Moreover, I would also like to inform you that I myself am from a disadvantaged Christian community of Pakistan and am not in a position to bear any expenses. I will even need travel expenses, so kindly let me know about all of this.

Thanking you for your understanding and cooperation and looking forward for your prompt/positive response.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.


Marcus Younas
St. # 8/C, New Naqashband Colony, P. O. Box # 236, Multan 60000
E-mail: marcusyounas@consultant.com marcusyounas@hotmail.com

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am very very keen to help in any way that i can. I would really like to talk to you and see what is the best way i can help. Please contact me on t_sahai@hotmail.com.


9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

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8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

accessoire de mode acrobat actualite actualite et media actualite internationale ad aware adobe acrobat agence de voyage agence location voiture agence voyage amour anti spyware antivirus antivirus a telecharger antivirus en ligne antivirus gratuit antivirus gratuit a telecharger antivirus software astrologie astrologie gratuite astuce astuce jeu pc astuce jeu video astuce jeux astuce msn astuce pc avast avg basket ball batterie voiture bitdefender blague blague blonde blague drole blague humour blagues bonne blague bon prix carte postale carte postale ancienne carte postale virtuelle casse voiture cd musique chanson a telecharger chanson a telecharger gratuitement chaussure de sport chef recette citation amour citation d amour clip video clone cd clone dvd cocktail codec divx codec telecharger comparateur de prix cote voiture declaration d amour divx divx a telecharger divx codec divx dvd divx gratuit divx player dvd dvd divx dvd musique dvd pas cher dvd r dvd x ecran de veille a telecharger gratuitement edonkey edonkey 2000 emoticone a telecharger emoticone a telecharger gratuit emoticone msn emule emule fr emule france emule gratuit emule paradise emule plus emule telecharger emule telecharger gratuit enregisteur dvd federation francaise de football feu amour film film a telecharger film cinema film de cul film divx a telecharger film dvd film erotique film gratuit film gratuit a telecharger film porno film pornographique film porno gratuit films a telecharger film telechargement film telecharger film x film x gratuit firewall fond d ecran a telecharger football france football france musique go sport henne horoscope horoscope 2006 horoscope 2006 gratuit horoscope balance horoscope belier horoscope cancer horoscope capricorne horoscope chinois horoscope du jour horoscope gemeau horoscope gratuit horoscope lion horoscope mensuel horoscope poisson horoscope sagittaire horoscope scorpion horoscope taureau horoscope verseau horoscope vierge hotel premiere classe hot video hummer image d amour imesh jeu a telecharger jeu a telecharger gratuit jeu a telecharger gratuitement jeu a telecharger sur pc jeu d avion a telecharger jeu de billard a telecharger jeu de carte a telecharger jeu d echec a telecharger jeu de tarot jeu de voiture jeu flash a telecharger jeu gratiut a telecharger jeu gratuis a telecharger jeu gratuit a telecharger jeu pc a telecharger jeu pc a telecharger gratuit jeu pc a telecharger gratuitement jeu pc gratuit a telecharger jeu pc telecharger gratuitement jeu pokemon a telecharger jeu telecharger jeu video.com jeu video a telecharger jeu video a telecharger gratuitement jeu video com jeu video gratuit jeu video gratuit a telecharger jeu video pc jeux a telecharger jeux a telecharger gratuit jeux a telecharger gratuitement jeux a telecharger sur pc jeux d avion a telecharger jeux de billard a telecharger jeux d echec a telecharger jeux de tarot jeux de voiture jeux flash a telecharger jeux gratiut a telecharger jeux gratuis a telecharger jeux gratuit a telecharger jeux pc a telecharger jeux pc a telecharger gratuit jeux pc a telecharger gratuitement jeux pc gratuit a telecharger jeux pc telecharger gratuitement jeux pokemon a telecharger jeux video a telecharger jeux video a telecharger gratuitement jeux video gratuit jeux video gratuit a telecharger jeux video pc kazaa kazaa gratuit kazaa lite kazaa lite telecharger kazaa telecharger leclerc voyage lecteur divx ligue football litterature location voiture france logiciel logiciel antivirus logiciel a telecharger logiciel a telecharger gratuit logiciel a telecharger gratuitement logiciel de gravure logiciel de mixage logiciel de telechargement logiciel devis logiciel divx logiciel gratuit logiciel gratuit a telecharger logiciel immobilier logiciel industriel logiciel libre logiciel montage photo logiciel mp3 logiciel msn logiciel multimedia logiciel musique logiciel paie logiciel photo logiciels logiciels antivirus logiciels divx logiciels gratuit logiciels mp3 logiciels msn logiciels video logiciel video made in sport magasin decathlon sport maillot football maquillage maquillage yeux mc afee messenger messenger 7.5 messenger 75 messenger msn messenger plus mode mode accessoire mode femme mode homme monsieur prix mp3 mp3 gratuit mp3 gratuit telecharger mp3 musique mp3 telecharger mp3 telecharger gratuit msm messenger msn msn 5 msn 7 msn 7.5 msn 75 telecharger msn 8 msn 8.0 msn astuce msn gratuit msn hotmail msn jeu msn messenger msn messenger 6.2 msn messenger 7 msn messenger7.5 msn messenger 7.5 msn messenger 7.5 telecharger msn messenger 75 msn messenger 75 telecharger msn messenger 80 msn messenger plus msn messenger telecharger msn messenger version75 msn messenger version 75 msn plus msn plus telecharger msn telecharger msn truc et astuce msn web msn web messenger music mp3 music video musique musique arabe musique a telecharge musique a telecharger musique a telecharger gratuit musique a telecharger gratuite musique a telecharger 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recette punch recette sangria recettes asiatique recettes chinoises recettes de cuisine recettes rapide robe de cocktail rom serie serie tv sexe video sexualite sex video shareaza telecharger sims 2 telechargement sims 2 telecharger skin msn skype smiley gratuit telecharger smiley msn solution solution jeu solution jeu pc solution jeu video solutions solutions jeux pc solutions jeux videos sortie dvd sport sport 2000 sport 24 sport alsace sport automobile sport betting sport extreme sport femme spybot spyware spyware removal spyware remover tablature tablature guitare tarot gratuit tatoo tatou tatouage tatouages telecharge emule telecharge film telechargement telechargement film telechargement film cinema telechargement film divx telechargement film gratuit telechargement films telechargement gratuit telechargement gratuit de film telechargement jeux telechargement logiciel telechargement logiciel gratuit telechargement logiciels telechargement musique telechargement musique gratuit 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sagittaire horoscope scorpion horoscope taureau horoscope verseau horoscope vierge horoscope hot video hotel premiere classe hummer humour et blague humour et blagues humour video icon icone gratuit icone icone gratuit icone icons illusion d optique illusion d optique illusion illusions d optique illusions d optique illusions image telecharger image d amour image fond d ecran image fond d ecran image tuning imesh instrument de musique jaquette film jaquette dvd jeep jeu a telecharger gratuit jeu a telecharger gratuitement jeu a telecharger sur pc jeu a telecharger jeu d avion a telecharger jeu d echec a telecharger jeu de billard a telecharger jeu de carte a telecharger jeu de tarot jeu de voiture gratuit jeu de voiture jeu flash a telecharger jeu gratiut a telecharger jeu gratuis a telecharger jeu gratuit a telecharger jeu olympique de turin jeu olympique jeu pc a telecharger gratuit jeu pc a telecharger gratuitement jeu pc a telecharger jeu pc gratuit a telecharger jeu pc telecharger 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video com jeux video gratuit a telecharger jeux video gratuit jeux video pc kazaa gratuit kazaa lite telecharger kazaa lite kazaa telecharger kazaa lamborghini leclerc voyage lecteur divx lecteur dvd portable lecteur dvd lecteur enregistreur dvd lecteur mp3 les feu de l amour lettre amour ligue football litterature erotique litterature francaise litterature location voiture france location voiture guadeloupe location voiture logiciel 3d architecture logiciel 3d logiciel a telecharger gratuit logiciel a telecharger gratuitement logiciel a telecharger logiciel agricole logiciel antivirus gratuit logiciel antivirus logiciel architecte 3d logiciel architecture 3d logiciel architecture gratuit logiciel architecture logiciel batiment logiciel bourse logiciel bureautique logiciel caisse logiciel cao logiciel carte de visite logiciel de cartographie logiciel ciel logiciel coiffure logiciel comptabilite gratuit logiciel comptabilite logiciel comptable logiciel creation site web logiciel crm logiciel de cartographie logiciel de dessin logiciel de gestion du personnel logiciel de gravure gratuit logiciel de gravure logiciel de mixage logiciel de navigation logiciel de sauvegarde logiciel de telechargement de musique logiciel de telechargement logiciel dessin 3d logiciel de dessin gratuit logiciel de dessin logiciel logiciel d installation logiciel de telechargement gratuit logiciel de traduction gratuit logiciel de traduction logiciel devis logiciel divx logiciel dj logiciel dvd logiciel educatif logiciel etiquette logiciel excel logiciel facturation logiciel faire part logiciel fax logiciel finance logiciel freeware logiciel genealogie logiciel gestion client logiciel gestion commerciale logiciel gestion de parc logiciel gestion de projet logiciel gestion entreprise logiciel gestion financiere logiciel gestion immobiliere logiciel gestion stock logiciel gestion temps logiciel gestion logiciel gps pda logiciel gps logiciel graphisme logiciel gratuit a telecharger logiciel 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