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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Donate in Boston and Chicago to India and Indonesia

--- From a Blog Reader----------

India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF)Boston Chapter
(Non profit 501(c)(3))

Donate online at www.idrf.org.
100% of contribution will be disbursed by local NGO's to assist with medical services, purchase and repair of fishing boats, distribution of fishing nets, repair of diesel engines and supply of fuel, distribution of textbooks, school equipment and uniforms and house construction and repair of community infrastructure.

The Indonesian Community in Chicago has set up a relief fund for those of you who would like to help.

Indonesian Disaster Relief Fund
Acc# 08462366902, Routing # 271071321
Charter One Bank
400 S. La Salle street
Chicago - IL 60605

For more information, please call: 815 - 254 7208
2 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

You can see the full report on IDRF and its relationship with the Hate-based Hindutva organization at www.stopthehate.org

"The Foreign Exchange of Hate" establishes that the IDRF is not a secular and non-sectarian organization as it claims to be, but is, on the contrary, a major conduit of funds for Hindutva organizations in India

The Hindutva movement is a violent sectarian movement seeking to create a Hindu Rashtra (an ethnically 'pure' Hindu Nation) in India, in many ways similar to the Nazi idea of a pure Aryan Germany. It seeks to exclude or eliminate religious minorities such as Muslims and Christians and fix Dalits and Adivasis into an internal hierarchy of caste.

Hindutva, the Hindu supremacist ideology that has under girded much of the communal violence in India over the last several decades, has seen tremendous growth outside India over the last two decades.

The India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF), has systematically funded Hindutva operations in India.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

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11:01 AM