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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Another NGO in chennai wants volunteers/doctors


Contact : Tamilnadu Tsunami Relief Initiative

For information on the relief work and to provide your support, contact the TTRI: Samanvaya is coordinating the information on behalf of the network agencies. Call Ram or Rama at (land line) +91-44-25550781 or mobile 09382160811 (Ram) or 9384550781 (Rama).
16 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Jim Earle i live and work in British Columbia, Canada. I am a certified paramedic (pcp). I am willing and eager to lend my services anyway they can be of help. I can be over in a weeks notice.Contact Info:earlejames@hotmail.com(email)
604-626-6780 (cell)

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


My name is Kelly Jones. I am in Australia and would like to come and help in any way possible. I have no medical training, but am willing to do whatever is required. Contact me on kdotj@bigpond.net.au, or 617 412 804 329 (mobile).

4:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi there,
I am Dr. Dyson Misquita B.H.M.S. from Goa, India.
I want to help and can come there as soon as possible
Kindly respond

5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Cedric, I am a 21 year old Combat Veteran, i served nine months in Iraq in both combat and peace operations. i served three years ending five months ago. i am willing to volunteer my time to aid the countries affected. I have experience as a leader and as a worker and think i may be helpful or beneficial to your program. I have an expired U.S. passport and need to get it renewed.I ask you to please expedite your response. Thank you and the people of the world are watching how a little compassion can resonate throughout the world. I can be contacted at (310)-800-5901 or SirCedricAllen@msn.com

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

my name is katie, i have no medical background but i am willing to help in any way possible for up to 6months please contact me at funktktuk@yahoo.co.uk

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Dimiter Dimitrov. I am 32 years old male. I live and work in Bulgaria as a physician in Emergency Department, Center for Emergency Medicine and Accidents in Stara Zagora town, since 1999. This is my third year in a Residence program in Disaster medicine. I am available for the next two months. Contact me on jim.dimitrov@abv.bg, or +359 887 83 79 83 (mobile).

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Mollie. I am 25 years old with extensive disaster relief experience. If I can help in any way please contact me at molliestull@yahoo.com. I can be available to help immediately.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi. We're a couple of two canadians (25 years old) currently travelling in India. We're in Mysore, near Bangalore, Karnataka at the moment and wish to help. We don't have any specific experience in international volunteering, but are serious in our action. We could be in Chennai within a couple of days.

you can reach us at : frederic.plourde@polymtl.ca

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Hayden Berry. I am a 32 year old EFL English teacher. I have a lot of experience in working with people, both children and adults overseas in teaching and tourism. I am looking to find a long term (3-6month) opportunity to help in any of the tsunami hit areas. If anybody knows of opportunities for someone with my skills, please contact me on bronislav_72@yahoo.co.uk

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Myself and my wife are very keen to come out and help in any way possible. I am a doctor and would be able to help in a medical capacity. Please reply on sid_merali@hotmail.com

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Myself and my wife are very keen to come out and help in any way possible. I am a doctor and would be able to help in a medical capacity. Please reply on sid_merali@hotmail.com

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a doctor from the Philippines and I would like to be able to help in anyway that i can. Please email me at jadelim@hotmail.com for any details. Thank you.

4:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Experienced Paediatrician based London,UK,can volunteer 2-3 weeks May 23rd, June 27th, Aug 01, Sep 5, Oct 10, Nov 14th. Could raise
funds, bring drugs and other resources eg simple equipment. CV available. Please contact drdaverobinson@hotmail.com or David.robinson@bhrhospitals.nhs.ukThankyou

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi ,I'm utkarsh ,a software engineer by profesion.
I would like to be a part of ur efforts. My job committments allow me to volunteer only on sundays and mondays.
i'd be very happy to lend my services for this cause.

get in touch with me at utkarshtewari@yahoo.com.

5:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

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9:23 AM  
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7:57 AM