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Thursday, January 06, 2005

United Nations : Volunteers needed in Srilanka

Source : Voice For Help

Volunteers are needed for United Nations to support relief work in Sri
Lanka. You can help them by providing your professional skills or by on the
ground relief services. If you are interested please contact United Nations
office and add your name to the volunteer database.

Volunteers are needed for United Nations to support relief work in Sri
Lanka. You can help them by providing your professional skills or by on the
ground relief services. If you are interested please contact United Nations
office and add your name to the volunteer database.

Contact UNDP Office 0112580691-7/ 0776904029 (Juan)
UNDP Office
202-204 Bauddhaloka Mawatha
P.O BOX 1505
19 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I currently live in Connecticut and am extremely interested in helping on the spot in Asia. I have traveled extensively throughout the region, and know some Tamil. I am almost fluent in Japanese, and know some basic terms in other Asian languages. Over the past few years I have helped construct many houses, and would be happy to extend my acumin to this disaster. I am willing to help an any way needed.

Please contact me at (714) 292-7572.

Thank you,

Joshua Berglund

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

hello, my name is derek and i am a 24 year old medical student who has volunteered my medical knowledge in family practices, emergency rooms, and in the field in Haiti. I can be a great help in the medical field and i am also strong and would be able to do any kind of "grunt" work. I return to medical school in August and would love to do anything i can for my fellow man...however i have very little money (and what i have is being saved for a ticket to pay my own way over to SE Asia) I would still need an organization to work under though. I also learn languages very very quickly as i spent only 6 days in haiti and can speak comfortably with the haitians in their native tongue, creole.i can do whatever is needed of me... my email is : daseib@yahoo.com

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a crisis counselor that works primarily with children. Please contact me if you are in need of hands on help... loriann978@msn.com

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Mollie. I am 25 years old with disaster relief experience. Please contact me at molliestull@yahoo.com. I am available to help for as long as I'm needed.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Angelo Embuldeniya said :

For people outside Sri Lanka, some of you who obviously do not have access to those IDD numbers, here's some email addresses of UN Staff in Sri Lanka who might be able to help you out with getting your names added to the Volunteer database:

okama.ekpe-brook@undp.org - in charge of the UN Sri Lanka Country office according to their site.

stacey.white@usa.net - she's coordinating all relief volunteers coming into the country I believe.

Please use the search facility here, loads of info regarding how you many volunteer in Sri Lanka have been posted by the SEA EAT Bloggers.

Good luck!

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Sheila and I am a nurse and carer. I would happily help anywhere where my skills are needed. I currently work as a senior manager in a local authority and also have strategic planning skills. If anyone could use my skills please contact me on asporter@btinternet.com

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


My name is Jun. I am 23 and am international student attending college in Boston. I will return to home in Hong Kong for the summer, but I am eager to help with disaster relief any time from June to August, particularly with orphange services. This said, I am willing to work in whichever position I am needed. I have previous experiences working in orphanges in Vietnam and Bangkok and am diligent and mature. Please put me to your database and contact me when you need my help.
Name: Yi Kwan, CHU
email: ychu@wellesley.edu
Thank you!

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am Canadian trained General nurse and Psychiatric nurse with extensive experience in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. I currently live in Bermuda and I am willing to volunteer where I could be used.

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello. My name is Krystle. I am from Canada and I would desperately like to help in any way that I can. I am a registered emergency medical technician (one level below a paramedic) and I also work as a nurses assistant in the emergency room of a hospital. I have minimal experience in a funeral home, as well. Please reply to me at meek18@hotmail.com if I can be of any assistance whatsoever. Thank you!

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

im shoaib ali khan from pakistan/karachi n im intersted to contribute physically in this tough time plz send me the invitation letter so i cn show it to the visa counsellor hoping for your postive response
name: shoaib ali khan
location: pakistan/karachi
my contact #
or email

2:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


Here's the correct contact info for the UN in Sri Lanka:
United Nations Development Programme
202-204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha
Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94-11-2580691, Fax: +94-11-2581116

I called their office, but got the night operator who doesn't speak English.

I'd love to help in any capacity I can. I'm a university student from Los Angeles with a background in accounting/finance. I doubt if that will be very usefull, but I am also certified by the American Red Cross as a professional lifeguard, which includes CPR, AED and first aid training. I've also got experience building homes for the poor in Mexico. Again, please let me know what I can do to help. I can be on a plane with 24 hrs notice.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I just wrote the previous post, and forgot to include my email: tsully@another.com

By the way, if you are calling Sri Lanka from the USA, you must dial 011 before the rest of the numbers...

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

My name is Piet from Holland. I am 38 years old with 13 years Heath and 3 years IT experience.

Please contact me at phson@lycos.nl or sonp@lycos.nl
I am available for a long time and willing to do anything that is needed.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello, We are group of guys (engineers and technicians - professionals - from different backgrounds and nationalities)working for (Saudi Formaldehyde Chemical Company)in saudi arabia. We have donated financially, but now we want to bring smiles to the children in need by doing physical work. Could you please let us know how, where and when can we do that. We are taking 5 days off work and wanting to travel (we are funding our travel and stay costs)to Sri Lanka between the 22nd and 28th of January 2005 (this month) for this purpose. Thanks. please contact us at: omarcgreen@yahoo.com.au or omarc_f&s@saudiform.com.sa

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a 34 year old professional male. I work in account management (logistics, coordination, sales/communication), and have an MBA, with a background in technology. I can travel to Asia in early February or later. I would like to use my skills and would be interested in an assignment of up to several months. Volunteer or pay for a longer term commitment. My e-mail is drewmcdo@msn.com.
Drew McDowell

1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hi. I am currently a high school junior in California and would like to know if there is any way we can help. Our school has already instituted an all-city fundrasier for the cause in Asia and is currently running a fundraiser at the high school itself towards a goal of $30, 000 which we will be sending through the American Red Cross. Though students will probably be unable to provide aid on location, please let us know for example what supplies may be needed. Please contact me at nadeshikoflowers@gmail.com. Thank you.

11:39 PM  
Blogger Jeb Butler said :

NAME: James E. Butler III (Jeb)
EMAIL: jeb_butler@hotmail.com
PHONE: 706 332 3881 (USA)

I've got some free months upcoming, and I can think of no finer way to spend them than helping folks in the wake of the worst natural disaster any of us are likely to live through. I should be free through the last half of February and most of March and I want to spent that time in afflicted areas. My qualifications follow:

I am a certified Wilderness First Responder (WFR), which means I am trained to deal with basic medical problems in the a "wilderness context." The wilderness context is defined as being two or more hours away from definitive medical care, a condition I suspect applies to many tsunami-affected areas. I am certified my Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA). WFR certification includes training in Basic Life Support (BLS), including Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

While I have not traveled to this region, I have spent some time in developing countries. I have traveled to Tanzania twice, most recently spending 65 days there with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).

I will have a passport by then – mine just expired, but I’m in the process of getting a new one – and I believe I’ll be able to cover my airfare.

I am willing to chop vegetables, dig through wreckage, move debris, serve soup, write press releases or sing kum-bay-ya, whatever is needed. Just tell me.

Please contact me when you can. I would be happy to answer any questions. Have a wonderful day. I hope you find tons of good recruits, and I hope to hear from you soon.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings of Peace from Pakistan!

With reference to Asian Tsunamis Disaster, I would like to offer my services at this hour of grief for our brotherly country, Sri Lanka with your esteemed organization.

Please be informed that I am Pakistani Christian aged 33 holding Bachelor degree with English Literature, Journalism and English Language as major subjects along with Development sector experience of more than 8 years with specialization in Emergency Relief & Rehabilitation. Following is the detail of my international trainings and experiences:

International Trainings / Experiences:

1. Two Months “Community Development Course” at Asian Social Institute, Manila, Philippines, April – June 2001.
2. “Earthquake Disaster Management – Preparation of Manuals” training at Bangkok, Thailand from 23rd August to 27th August 2001.
3. “SPHERE Humanitarian Charter and Using Sphere in Project Cycle” Training at Lahore University of Management Sciences by Caritas Internationals from April 10 – 12, 2002.
4. “Emergency Preparedness on Floods and Floods & Cyclones for South Asians” training at Bangkok, Thailand from 10th June to 12th June 2002.
5. “Emergency Preparedness Training on Drought for South and Southeast Asians” at Bangkok, Thailand from 18th August to 20th August 2002.
6. “SPHERE Standards for Humanitarian Relief Training” at O’Spring Estate, Murree Hills, by Church World Services, Pakistan/Afghanistan from 27th April to 1st May 2004.


Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Relief & Rehabilitation Program for US War Affected Afghan Refugees in Southern Punjab” supported by Caritas Pakistan, National Secretariat.
Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Preventive Health Care Program for the marginalized women of the remote areas of Southern Punjab” supported by Manos Unidas, SPAIN.
Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Self & Civil Defense Training for the vulnerable communities of Southern Punjab” supported by Catholic Relief Services, Pakistan Program, Islamabad.
Ø Formulated, Planned & Implemented “Capacity Building of 10 Housing Cooperative Societies in Multan Diocese” supported by Asian Partnership for Human Development, Thailand through NSCP.
Ø Responded to a number of natural & man made disasters in Southern Punjab.

I shall be very grateful to you, if you could send me detailed information regarding the entire process, so that I would serve for suffering humanity of Asia Tsunami Disaster through your esteemed organization. Moreover, I would also like to inform you that I myself am from a disadvantaged Christian community of Pakistan and am not in a position to bear any expenses. I will even need travel expenses, so kindly let me know about all of this.

Thanking you for your understanding and cooperation and looking forward for your prompt/positive response.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.


Marcus Younas
St. # 8/C, New Naqashband Colony, P. O. Box # 236, Multan 60000
E-mail: marcusyounas@consultant.com marcusyounas@hotmail.com

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am a therapist from UK, specialising in counseling trauma and stress. My background is Hypnotherapy, NLP, Time Line Therapy(TM) and Hawaiian Huna (energy)and regulated by UK & US institutes.I am also a certified trainer of all that I practice (except Hawaiian Huna). Although I have lived in London most of my life, I was born in Sri Lanka. I would be honoured to be of assistance and I am an excellent listener and do speak basic Sinhalese. I shall be available for at least six months initially from about late May or early June.

6:17 AM