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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Volunteers needed in South India to help tsunami victims

A group of non-governmental organization, the Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell, is currently recruiting volunteers to help with relief operations in South India.

The group is urgently needs Tamil-speaking volunteers to:

1. Manage the central stores in each zone, supervise packing of relief kits and assist the programme team in documentation; 2. Village-level workers to help in enumeration (keeping track of people in need of relief packages), relief kit packing, distribution and recording; 3.Work as counselors in villages.

The Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell is working with 21 local NGOs in seven affected districts -- Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, Kanyakumari, and Karaikkal. Relief is being provided to more than 16,000 families.

Speaking for the alliance, Dr Jacob Dharamaraj, Coordinator of the Cell said, "Ours is an informal alliance striving to make a dynamic change in the disaster-torn parts of South India. Staff and volunteers have been tirelessly working long days to set into place plans,
strategies, donations and volunteers to initiate relief, encouragement and a stable return to normality."

The group is also being supported by OXFAM, Hong Kong, Save the Children - UK, Save the Children - Finland, Concern Worldwide - Bhubaneswar and NOVIB.

Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell
No 4, Sathalvar Street
Mugappair West
Chennai 600 037
Phone (Off) +91 44 26244211
+91 44 26357854
Fax (Off) + 91 44 26250315
3 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I am in Los Angeles and only speak American but if there is any way I can help please let me know.
I am trying to go overseas to help but am having little luck..I am on i-to-i's waiting list of about 100 to go to Colombo. That's about as far as I got.
It's a little maddening when you don't just want to donate but go over there to physically help and you have no outlet to do so..
Anyone else frustrated??..


5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

On behalf of the Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell, please note that the information above is no longer current (Administrator, please delete the above message – we have replaced it with an up-to-date one on the 17th of February). There have been many kind offers of volunteers and thanks to all for their heartfelt wishes.

The major relief stage is over, and we are now in the planning and rehabilitation phase. At present, there are several specific skills which would be useful. People who would be very useful are those who have expertise in the following areas:
- Repairing fibre-glass reinforced plastic (FRP), i.e. damaged fishing boats.
- Ability to fix out board motors.
- Mangrove reforestation/biologists
- Bamboo cultivation, suitability etc.
- Soil scientists, especially desalination of soil
- Play therapy and children’s playground designers
- Project managers relating to rehabilitation projects, including housing/forestry/health/water and sanitation/fisheries
- Systems support, expand network and website development
- Journalists for documentation purposes (Tamil speaker especially)

There is a lot of available labour in the affected areas at present. Volunteers’ skills are most helpful in organizational capacity, design, and knowledge transfer.
Being able to speak Tamil is especially helpful.
Also, apologies to all, but we do not read this site. If you want to get in touch, please e-mail tsunami.prepare@gmail.com


Charles, on behalf of Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell and Prepare, the NGO.

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

On behalf of the Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell, please note that the information above is no longer current (Administrator, please delete the above message and replace it with the following one)

There have been many kind offers of volunteers and thanks to all for their heartfelt wishes. The major relief stage is over, and we are now in the planning and rehabilitation phase. At present, there are several specific skills which would be useful. People who would be very useful are those who have expertise in the following areas:
- Repairing fibre-glass reinforced plastic (FRP), i.e. damaged fishing boats.
- Ability to fix out board motors.
- Mangrove reforestation/biologists
- Bamboo cultivation, suitability etc.
- Soil scientists, especially desalination of soil
- Play therapy and children’s playground designers
- Project managers relating to rehabilitation projects, including housing/forestry/health/water and sanitation/fisheries
- Systems support, expand network and website development
- Journalists for documentation purposes (Tamil speaker especially)

There is a lot of available labour in the affected areas at present. Volunteers’ skills are most helpful in organizational capacity, design, and knowledge transfer.
Being able to speak Tamil is especially helpful.
Also, apologies to all, but we do not read this site. If you want to get in touch, please e-mail tsunami.prepare@gmail.com

Charles, on behalf of Tsunami-South India NGO Coordination Cell and the NGO Prepare

6:21 AM