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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Food For Life (FFL)Tsunami Relief Volunteers Needed For Sri Lanka

Registration does not guarantee a position on the FFL Relief Team. We must assess your qualifications and match them to the needs on the ground. You will be contacted within 7 days of your registration. Please note the following information and prerequisites:

You will need to take care of all visa requirements, travel and immunization shots (Cholera, Typhoid, Hep A & B).

VegTravel has agreed to temporarily provide wholesale travel discounts for all bonafide FFL volunteers. You must have a return ticket. Volunteers will be picked up at the airport in Colombo, and after a rest, driven to the distribution sites about 10 - 12 hours away. We would ideally like all selected volunteers to be able to arrive on January 15th.

We would like all volunteers to understand that at this time, Food for Life is concentrating on food relief and that conditions are austere. Understand, there may be delays and obstacles along the way. You may be asked to do very simple tasks like cutting up vegetables and cleaning.

FFL will be setting up two new food relief operations from scratch. We are looking for 14 volunteers for these two operations. FFL will be providing accommodation, food and clean water to all volunteers.

Please click here for more info & to register yourself as a volunteer fro FFL

2 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Scientology Volunteer Ministers are on the ground helping in India, Indonesia and Thailand. More are ready to go. Please see www.volunteerministers.org and contact vm@volunteerministers.org, 800-435-7498.

11:59 PM  
Blogger B.L. said :

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers are continuing their activities in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India, begun in response to the tsunami. Although almost a year has past, so many are still in need of help. More information on the on Scientology Volunteer Ministers can be found here

2:11 PM