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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Tsunami Technology Help Needed (Hardware & Volunteers)

$ 4 billion has been pledged to provide for basic needs, in the meantime the is NO organised way of information gathering at this stage because of the nature of the calamity and understandably so.

I am volunteering to set up a team of tech guys to go to South Asia and setup database systems so that decison makers can have a pool to log into and get info at the click of the mouse. At this stage it makes much sense for all efforts to provide the basics , clean and safe water , medicines ,food and shelter. But you will realise that for this to be implemented effectively over time , a sound info system must be put in place so that decision makers know what to send where.

All we will be looking for are people to sponsor us specifically with the following so that we can donate our tech skills for some us who are unemployed BUT want to help.

(i)Desktop Computers - to setup database system.
(iiLaptops - to use on field trips to collect data.
(iii)Tech Volunteers - geeks prepared to go in South Asia and implement these systems.

We managed to get software from Linux and Microsoft distributors and are OK to this end.

We thank you in advance.

Robert Ndaba
347 262 6417

Reply to: blackmanreality@yahoo.com